White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 155,374,126 Issue: 208 | 16th day of Gathering, Y7
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword hermione_granger1899

Week - 202

Andover's Quest: Part One
by hermione_granger1899
Description: "Gammot?" Andover called softly. "You wanted to see me?"

Week - 203

Andover's Quest: Part Two
by hermione_granger1899
Description: Andover had to get him out of this burning building. He looked around for a window or an opening in the flames. There!

Week - 204

Andover's Quest: Part Three
by hermione_granger1899
Description: "What do you want, Electric One?" a mocking voice asked him. Andover peered nervously around as a striped Lupess came out of the surrounding trees. "Should I bow down?" she sneered.

Week - 205

Andover's Quest: Part Four
by hermione_granger1899
Description: The striped Lupess led him back to her tent. "I have a message for you from Shaylee," she said...

Week - 206

Andover's Quest: Part Five
by hermione_granger1899
Description: Andover didn't know the first thing about war. He was still young and he wasn't supposed to fight! He had been sent on this mission to learn about the Purest group, not try to defeat them!

Week - 207

Andover's Quest: Part Six
by hermione_granger1899
Description: "You lay down like this, tuck your paws against you and roll!" Coron shouted, starting to roll down. Shaylee shrugged and rolled after him...

Week - 208

Andover's Quest: Part Seven
by hermione_granger1899
Description: "What happened to you all those years? Where did you go for six years? And why was Andover trying to kill you? You have a lot of explaining to do..."

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