Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,798,779 Issue: 1005 | 5th day of Eating, Y26
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword salem_822

Week - 1000

Impossible Dreams
by salem_822
Description: "To everyone who's had a dream..."

Week - 1005

Ashes of the Alabriss
by salem_822
Description: "Brynn pulled her thick orange hair into a tight bun, holding it in place with one hand while the other removed the hairpin she’d been holding between her teeth to..."

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A Strange Day in Magmaqua
"The sizzling sounds from the bonfire were a rather comforting noise to Rufus. He stretched out his hands and felt the..."

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Through the Snowy Woods
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A Hero's Journey: Squire
"Cathton stared at the medallion in his hands, which showed the letter 'W' over a diamond bisected by a sword. It was heavy, but not as heavy as the..."

by precious_katuch14


Sky Pirates: Clouded Deception
"...And within them icy caverns lies a terrible beast made entirely of ice. An ice worm twice as long as our largest air vessels, blasting ice shards at any fool who dares to enter..."

by greencheese79


The Prankster’s Tool Bag
"Has the latest April Fool’s Day shenanigan, pulled by the tricksters on The Neopets Team, inspired YOU to take up the art of pranking?"

by tylerhuyser

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