
The Neo-Market Report

By stereolab

And now it's time to pay a visit to Neopia's leading financial forecasters for this week's installment of The Neo-Market Report. Today our hosts are joined by Sven the Eyrie of Böda Furnishings Inc. Sven will be here to discuss Böda's role in the emerging home furnishing business as NeoHomes begin to dot the Neopian landscape. And now, here are Neil and Maria…

KAUVUTO: Hello and welcome to this edition of The Neo-Market Report. I am your host Neil Kauvuto, and as always I'm joined by my co-host Maria Blumaroono. Maria's been keeping tabs on all the latest headlines from the floor of The Exchange, so let's go to The News Desk and get the inside scoop. Maria, how's the market looking today?

BLUMAROONO: Neil, it appears that the companies which crashed last Friday have headed in two directions: In the case of Unis Beauty Salon, Techrobatics Fitness Videos, and The Presidential Palace, their investors have shown that they're willing to stick with them for the long haul. Unis Beauty Salon showed amazing staying power, as the company shot back up 451 NPs a share to nearly wipe out last Friday's loss. However, in the case of Chia Steel, Cybun Electromatics, Jacko and Sons, and Neopian TV Channel One, these companies have yet to recover from the crash that followed Kacheek Telecomm's scandalous plummet last week.

KAUVUTO: As we indicated in last week's Neo-Market Report, a number of small businesses have flourished during the Neodaq's recent "turmoil at the top." Among those taking advantage of the situation are Korbat Cricket Supplies, whose value has increased 350% over the past two weeks, Balthazar's Faerie Bottling Inc, whose stock price has steadily climbed from 10 to 34 NPs during the past three weeks, and Kau-Kau Farm, which sported a sixteen-point jump of its own this week.

BLUMAROONO: With the recent arrival of NeoHomes, a number of new companies will be competing for the right to build and furnish your house. One such company is Böda Furnishings Inc, whose Director of Operations, Sven the Eyrie, is here to discuss the future of the Neopian home furnishing industry. Sven, we're so glad you could take the time to drop in…

SVEN: I'm very glad to be here, Maria. Thank you for inviting me to appear in The Neo-Market Report.

BLUMAROONO: Now, your company has just opened for business, is that correct?

SVEN: Yes, that is correct.

BLUMAROONO: Given the current market climate, combined with the knowledge that most business start-ups are doomed to failure, don't you think now is a bad time to launch Böda Furnishings Inc?

SVEN: No, quite the contrary. Our decision to launch Böda Furnishings rests more with the emergence of NeoHomes than the current state of the market. This is a delicate moment for the budding home furnishing industry, and unless we're able to find a place in the hearts of every Neopian searching for a Cream Rug, then our company is going to be facing quite a challenge.

KAUVUTO: But how will this effect your company's attempts to raise capital from investors?

SVEN: Ah Neil, you use these phrases like "raising capital from investors," and I have to say that I find it all so… obtuse. Let us thing of the matter in a more practical fashion: we create beautiful furniture that is stylish yet reliable, and we bring it to you for what we feel is a reasonable price. These investors that you speak of, if they cannot realise how much sense that makes…well, if that is the case, then I can honestly say that it doesn't trouble me in the least if they decide to put their money elsewhere.

BLUMAROONO: Speaking of reasonable, I was taking a look through your catalog, and I noticed that you were selling something described as a "Tree Stump Table" for thirty-five thousand Neopoints.

SVEN: That is correct…

BLUMAROONO: Are you kidding me? You're selling a tree stump for thirty five thousand Neopoints! You call that affordable?

SVEN: Maria, you have to understand, this isn't some tree stump from your back yard. These tables are made from the finest cabinet grade Balsa wood available. They take at least four years to grow... we received them from a special lumber plantation on Terror Mountain. Then our certified craftsmen, who are among the finest woodworkers in the world, spend two to three months transforming the Balsa wood into the beautiful table that you see in our catalog. All things considered, I think the price is quite reasonable.

KAUVUTO: Well, that's going to be all for us today. For Maria Blumaroono and Sven the Eyrie, this is Neil Kauvuto saying thank you and so long…