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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 49 > Continuing Series
AWOL HunkaLunka and the Mystery Island Paint Brush: Part Three

"What a view! Look, Al, you can see all of Mystery Island from up here!"

by scriptfox

Dierdre Aleta's Tale: Part Six

"Someone in Faerieland has been planning something, something very evil," The Queen Faerie announced...

by writing_obsessor

Doomsday Rider VI: Prince Zing-Lau Returns - Part Three

"Every wall in this arena has its own gravity. Which ever one your feet are facing is the wall you will go to."

by yugo149

Dr. Smock, Petpet Surgeon: Part Six

"Well, as you might guess, the poor Searex was 'left to rot.' Can you believe the cruelty?"

by melwetzel

Eternal Spirit: Part Two

"Can the flame be rekindled, Alurula?"

by bekalou

Follow the Stars: An Aisha's Story - Part Two

I was ready to try this Lab Ray for myself...

by muas

Harry's Debut: Part Two

"Ooh, Harry, can I have an autograph?" All the other pets at the table laughed as if this was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

by shidi

Lupina II and the Quiggle of Doom: Part Four

They knew we would have to battle this "Sinistra" person. None of them, though, had even considered what technique they were going to use. Except Rosy.

by thegreatlupelover

Needed: Part Four

Dantam swallowed before he was able to force out the words, "She abandoned me."

by tdyans

The Chosen One: Part Three

"So, you mainly go on the offensive?"

by faerieneggs4u

The War of the Egg: Part Two

He shut his eyes again to let them rest, then, opened them again. He looked around. Medicine cabinets lined the white walls...

by omegajo90

Usuls Don't Snowboard: Part Three

"Tricks?" I asked. "What kind?"

by shelleylow


"Cheeserolling!!!" by gracelum - Grace withdrew all they had in the bank - 1,050 NP. 'This money isn't going to last us all week!' she thought. Times were bad, and with four greedy Neopets who couldn't live without the best things... more>>

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Other Stories

Agent Magnolia and the New Faerie Queen
"Well, Magnolia... any other plans?"

by peachifruit

Behind the Bars
Most of all, being abandoned is a helpless feeling, something I never want to repeat again.

by amyli_emitar

Balthazar: Has He Crossed the Line?
Surely, you have heard about the atrocities committed by Balthazar, the infamous faerie hunter.

by bluescorchio104

Who Are You Calling Plain?
"Can't you afford a paint brush?"

by tdyans

Life as a Teenager
Ahhh, you just knew that was going to happen...

by candy_cat_77

Shamus and Lila
Beware of the Baby...

by championferret

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