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HTML Filter Error Explanation

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The Explanation

First, some sample code that would cause the error is presented, then the actual error message that is generated is shown, and finally an explanation in greater detail of what the error message means is given.



<font family="verdana">

Please visit the Gallery of World Domination!

<a href="" onMouseOver=submit()>

<font face=verdana helvetica arial>




ERROR : Invalid words, disallowed words or words that should have quotes but do not were found inside your HTML tags.

Problem words and estimated problem area.

0.) family

  • <font family="verdana">
1.) -disallowed_word-over
  • <a href="" -disallowed_word-Over=submit()>
2.) submit()
  • <a href="" -disallowed_word-Over=submit()>
3.) verdana
  • <font face=verdana helvetica arial>
4.) helvetica
  • <font face=verdana helvetica arial>
5.) arial
  • <font face=verdana helvetica arial>
6.) a/
  • <a/>


Words that the HTML Filter does not recognise will generate an error message.

0.) The word 'family' was caught because it is not a recognised word. (The actual correct HTML is <font face="verdana"> and the correct style syntax is font-family:verdana).

Since family is not valid HTML word, it does not make it past the Filter. This goes for all words that the Filter does not recognise.

1. & 2.) The -disallowed_word-over is there because the possibley harmful code onMouseOver() was stripped out.

In those cases, remove the word or words that were stripped out along with whatever words are connected with it. (In the example's case, you would also remove submit()).

3. & 4. & 5.)The list of font faces — verdana, helvetica, and arial — is an error because the list should be enclosed in quotes. It should be "verdana helvetica arial".

Words that come after the = sign usually should be in quotes. So if a word is blocked by the Filter and it comes after an = sign, try putting it inside of quotes and see how the layout looks. If it passes the filter and the layout looks right, it worked!

So, for example, you might have, align=justify, which gets blocked. Try align="justify".

6.) The a/ appears as an error because it is not a recognised HTML word.

The letter a is recognised as a valid HTML word, but the / after it makes it invalid.

In the case of the sample code, it should be written as </a>.


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