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The Krawk
Ahh... the infamous Krawk, even if you don't own one, you can at least draw your own using this step by step guide. It is quite a tricky pet to draw so you may need to try a few times before you get it completely right.

Click here for a printable version.

Start by drawing a small circle towards the top of the page, this will become your Krawk's head.

Now draw a slightly larger circle below it. Join the two circles together by adding your Krawk's neck and lastly draw a curved line running down the middle of your Krawk's neck and through his belly, like so.

Your Krawk's legs start as two elongated circles joined to the bottom of the belly. Then draw on two flipper shapes (these will form your Krawk's feet).

Next you will need to draw on the arms and paws. The right hand one is almost hidden behind the body, just draw a triangular shape for the paw. Draw a cylinder shape for the other arm and finish it off with a circle at the end. Your picture should look very similar to this.