Petpet Spotlight
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- Today's Petpet Spotlight -
Petpet Name: LeOn
Owner: khrishtull
Pet: lildarkness301
Breed: Ona
About LeOn:
lildarkness sat quietly in his room...tears ran down his cheeks...
"When will I ever get a petpet...?" he cried..."All my brothers and sisters have one except me..."
Lildarkness's older brother Droopy hears him crying...
"Well khrishtull just isn't getting one for you yet because you keep rejecting them! Do you know how much neopoints she's
wasted just because you didn't like the petpets she gave you?!"
Days..weeks..months go by and Lildarkness still hasnt found the right petpet for himself... he was so lonely that he even
pretended a BOX was a petpet and played with it. But as time went by, the box got old and soggy. He didnt want to let go
but Khrishtull was getting mad because it stank like old socks.
"Goodbye Boxy...Sniff sniff..I had a good time playing with you.." Lildarkness let go of his box and gave it to the Rubbish dump...
But as he was about to leave..he saw a little blue furball hiding in the pile of rubbish.
"hmmm... I wonder what that is..." He went over to it think it was a blue fuzzle.
He heard it crying and picked it wasnt a fuzzle after was an Ona. But what was it doing here? Was it abandoned?
The Ona looked up and smiled.
"I shall call you leOn...and I will never let anything bad happen to you.."
"LOOK MOMMA! LOOK WHAT I HAVE!! TADA!! I have a petpet!! His name is leOn!" said lildarkness as he shrieked with excitement.
*cheering* "wow you finally found one that you like!!" Everyone was happy for him.
Lildarkness and leOn spent every single second of their days playing and laughing together. They danced and sang and frolicked
through flowers.
But soon leOn was feeling left out when Lildarkness started school.
leOn sat quietly in his room...tears ran down his cheeks...
"When will I ever get a petpetpet...?" he cried...."All my brothers and sisters petpets have one except me..."
leOn's older brother petpet hears him crying...
"Well lildarkness just isn't getting one for you yet because you keep rejecting them! Do you know how much neopoints
he's wasted just because you didn't like the petpetpets he gave you?!"
Well..this WAS true..leOn was actually afraid of most of the petpetpets out there. They looked scary and evil.
Everytime lildarkness tried to give him one...leOn would run away.
One morning after lildarkness left for school, leOn went outside to search for a petpetpet. He traveled miles and miles
searching for a friend.
Suddenly, he was trapped in a tornado and he found himself landing in a pile of dust.
But Wait! What is this in his mouth?! YUCK!! It was a Zytch and it started to crawl onto his head.
"'re kinda of cute!!"
"I shall you leOn jr...and I will never let anything bad happen to you.."
So in the end everyone lived happily ever after...remember.. "Threes a crowd!" ;)
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