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Petpet Spotlight

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- Today's Petpet Spotlight -

Petpet Name: Snowman
Owner: frayedknot
Pet: sauceman
Breed: Abominable Snowball

About Snowman:

My name is Sauceman. I am a red Kiko and I want to enter my PetPet, Snowman, in the PetPet Spotlight. Let me tell you all about him and why he is so special to me.

I was real lonely and had no one to play with. I am a shy little kiko and I didn't have any friends. I would spend my days playing games and exploring Neopia all day. One day I asked my owner, frayedknot, if I could go see the Snowager. She was surprised because I never go to the mean old Snowager. He is just way to scarey for me. But I felt that I had to go for some reason. Frayedknot took me by my hand and we slowly walked to the front of the cave. It was so scarey.

I let go of frayedknot's hand and slowly tip-toed to the cave. I saw the Snowager snoring. He was real scarey looking. I looked around. I saw, keychains, scratchcards, battle items, neggs and plushies. Way in the back of the cave I saw something move. I tip-toed to the back to see what it was. It was an Abonable Snowman PetPet.

Oh no, the Snowager started to move. I froze in my steps hoping that he didn't notice me. I was lucky, he was just rolling over and didn't see me. I climbed over the neggs, and plushies. I moved the keychains out of the way one by one until I saw a sad looking petpet.

"Hi, my name is Sauceman what is your name," I whispered. He didn't say anything. He was so scared. I reached my hand out and asked if he would like to come with me out of the cave and be my petpet? He got the biggest grin on his face and hopped closer to me.

" very quiet." I said as I picked him up. "We don't want to wake up the Snowager." The PetPet shook his head no. He held on real tight to me as we made our way out of the cave. We climbed over the keychains and neggs. The Snowager was still sleeping. Then the worst thing happened. A poogle ran in and woke up the Snowager. RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOORRRR!!!!! he blasted that poogle. We didn't know what to do. The PetPet buried his head in my body shaking with fear.

I wrapped my arms around him and ran as fast as I could. The Snowager saw us and tried to catch us. I picked up a negg and threw it at him just in time. I saw frayedknot waiting for me. She picked us up and ran away. We made it. He didn't get us.

Frayedknot took us home. The PetPet was shaking still from fear. I hugged him to make him feel better. Finally he looked up at me and told me his sad story.

He was walking around near the Neggery one day when he was grabbed by the Snowager. He was so scared. Everytime he tried to leave the Snowager blasted him. He moved way in the back under the keychains and neggs where the Snowager couldn't see him. He doesn't know how long he was back there before I rescued him.

I asked him if he had and name and he said he didn't but he wanted a name just like mine. So I named him Snowman. He is my bestest friend and I love him very much.

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