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Petpet Spotlight

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- Today's Petpet Spotlight -

Petpet Name: Snow_Dog
Owner: littlemosha
Pet: Usulinna2003
Breed: Warf

About Snow_Dog:

It was Christmas eve and all Neopets were in bed dreaming of the presents awaiting them. The snow still floated down from the deep blue sky and the carpet of snow increased in thickness.

Every Christmas at this exact time a magical thing happens, the snow faerie flys through the air and pours magic dust over every snowpet on the white streets. Instantly they start to move and talk but only for christmas eve. While this miracle happened the farie chuckled and turned round thinking she had done every Snowpet she started to fly high into the sky. Suddenly she saw what looked like a white dog, she dived and realised it was a snowdog. The snowdog had two coal eyes and a coal mouth, a carrot nose and a small black and red hat perched on his icy head.

She poured the dust around him and instantly he sprang to life, panting he raced around the snowAcaras he were in conversation and straight into a SnowUsul.

'Owwchh' it cried as the dog knocked him over, but soon found it funny and laughed. They soon became friends and chased each other weaving in and out of the Snowpets and into a patch of ice. They skidded around laughing and in Snowdogs case barking!

Snowdog had a great time that night and loved skidding on the patch of ice.

He almost felt like a real dog, if only for a short time. The sky became brighter and the faerie fluttered in the sky, calling 'places please!' Snowdog smiled and barked one last time, this was his first Christmas, but it was his best. As the faerie waved her wand the Snowpets vanished leaving their accesories on the white ground.

Where the snowpets go, nobody knows, but remember if you ever make a snowman stay up a little while longer and you might experience the miracle yourself...

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