Petpet Spotlight
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- Today's Petpet Spotlight -
Petpet Name: Kirby
Owner: IndianFaerie
Pet: Laramaz
Breed: Angelpuss
About Kirby:
A pink angelpuss sits grumpily on the petpet spotlight stage he has his fur done up with cute little bows, he has makeup
smothered all over his face, and a frilly pink dress on. You come to the conclusion that this particular angelpuss is either very
strange or owned by a little girl. If you guessed little girl you are correct.
"Hi... my name is Kirby. I used to be a regular handsome manly angelpuss until the... the... LARAMAZ" sniffles " I was handed down from
her big brother pheseke who had gotten a new pet pet I didn't really mind pheseke wasn't much into petpets in the first place.
I saw laramaz and said. Oh look an adorable little chia. I'm sure she will be very nice and feed me 50 big steaks every day. But
there were no steaks only sugar and tofu. Well then I said to myself maybe she would groom my fur every day and make me handsome
for the lady angelpusses. But I didn't know that grooming would include pink bows and dresses. Now if I were a girl angelpuss
this would be fine... BUT I'M NOT!!!"
"When petpet paintbrushes came out laramaz got very exited since angelpusses were one of the first things you could paint, I was
exited too. Maybe I would be painted a lovely shade of blue or a stunning green. But she chose... she chose oh I could barely say
it! She chose PINK! Pink the girliest color in existence! Pink the shade of shame and embarrassment. Pink-pink-pink."
Looking out and seeing most of the audience leave he try's to pull himself together. "Erm... sorry folks but PINK laramaz really is
a quite PINK good owner she PINK feeds me every day and PINK grooms me. And-"
Laramaz: Kirby! Its time for happy fun puppet time on TV!
Kirby: no! No! No! Save me! Help help help!!!!
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