Hunt for Cadima: Part Four
by cruzerchic123
Just then Koro noticed that the shaman had managed to
pin down the Fire Faerie, Jiri and Juk and was advancing on Cadima.
"Long live the satiki-isledi," he cackled, and
threw Cadima over the ledge.
"No!" Koro cried, but just then the shaman thrust
his staff at Koro, causing a ring of fire again. He couldn't hear the screams
of "Get up!" as he sank to the ground.
* * * * * * *
Cadima grasped onto the ledge of the steaming pit for dear life. She was halfway
at the bottom of the boiling lava, and her wings were too weak to lift her up.
Cadima sobbed, knowing that she'll never see Koro again or her friends and island.
A wispy voice rang through Cadima's ears. "Cadima,"
the native voice said, a strange wind circling around Cadima.
Cadima held her breath. She knew the voice;
it was so long ago she was shocked she knew who was speaking. Relaxing, Cadima
replied to her lost mother. "Liialah," she finally replied after a moment. Her
wings felt stronger; her powers seemed to come back to her.
The gust of wind then filled Cadima's horn.
"I am always with you, Cadima," the voice wavered as the last of Liialah's spirit
disappeared into Cadima's soul.
"And so am I, dear mother," Cadima replied as
she let in her mother's incantation spirit. Then Cadima knew that she was never
alone. Cadima growled and stared up. The shaman was going to be very sorry he
messed with the daughter of Liialah.
*NOTE* Today this is known as Liialah's Incantation,
where she puts her soul into Cadima, making her sort of reincarnated. Onto the
* * * * * * *
"Koro, no!" Juk said as Jiri held back tears. The Fire Faerie spirit just stared;
she was sorry she had ever joined sides with the shaman.
The shaman laughed. "I hope you enjoyed it while
your satiki-isledi lived," he cackled.
Suddenly a yellow blur tackled the shaman, sending
him to a cave wall. The shaman hissed and looked up to find an angry Yellow
Peophin glowering at him.
"I can't believe you!" Melissa cried through
tears. "You monster! What have you done to my little sister?!"
"No!" the shaman cried. "The spell, it broke!"
"You better believe it, buster! Enough of your
hocus-pocus, you're dead!" Melissa whacked the Kyrii to a wall. "That's for
what you did to me." Then she charged at the shaman again. "This is for what
you did to my sister!"
The shaman extended his hand and froze Melissa
where she was. The Peophin struggled, but couldn't even free herself from the
invisible ropes of the shaman. The shaman laughed, then gasped when he turned
to look around.
It was, no! It couldn't be! She was long lost
back then! The shaman's eyes widened at he stared at what looked like a reincarnated
tamuru-tiki-isledi Liialah!
"Shaman!" Liialah spoke fiercely, and a stream
of light beams encircled the shaman and squeezed him very hard. He winced as
he glared at the tamuru-tiki-isledi. "How dare you try to destroy my daughter!"
"Queen Liialah!" the Fire Faerie and Juk gasped,
and Jiri (who was too young before the time of Queen Liialah), just bowed in
awe at the Uni before her.
"It was all your fault!" the shaman said through
clenched teeth. "If you had let me be your apprentice, none of this would happen!"
Liialah shot her head out suddenly, and the
shaman was thrown into a wall. He groaned and backed away.
"But if I did make you my skarco, you would've
done the same thing anyways!" she bellowed, as the shaman stumbled to his feet.
Suddenly Liialah turned her attention to the
helpless Island Shoyru Koro. "My young one, you need life," the tamuru-tiki-isledi
whispered, and gently stroked her hoof along the Sacred Tiki Amulet. Koro moaned
and opened his eyes. When he saw Liialah, his eyes widened and he blinked thrice.
"Liialah," he said, and bowed before the radiant
Island Queen. "Please tell me Cadima is okay."
"I am Liialah reincarnated in her body," Liialah
replied. "Cadima still lives. You fought your soul for her, and you have completed
the great sacrifice." Then she turned towards the shaman, who panicked. "It
is my turn to give up my soul," the Uni sighed, and headed towards the shaman.
"No!" Koro and Jiri cried. "You can't leave
"You're Cadima's real mother, Island Queen,"
even Melissa protested. "You gotta take care of Cadima as well.
Liialah smiled. "You're her older sister, young
Melissa. Why don't you take care of her?" Suddenly a bright light surrounded
Melissa, and from Yellow to Island she had become. Liialah shut her eyes, then
glared at the shaman, who quaked in fear. Stepping steadily but quickly, the
Queen was ready to pass her throne to the true tamuru-tiki-isledi, Cadima.
"Will you still be with me, mother?" the voice
inside Liialah whispered as the Queen recalled Cadima when she was younger.
"Always," Liialah replied, and with that the
bronze horn glowed a bright white, surrounding the Uni. With that the light
burst inside the volcano, making Koro, Jiri, Juk, Melissa, the shaman, and the
Fire Faerie shield their eyes. The shaman shrieked as the light surrounded him,
and when the miracle ceased, Liialah and the shaman were gone.
* * * * * * *
"Cadima?" Koro called out. "Cadima?!" he tried again, along with Jiri and Juk
with the Fire Faerie.
Then Koro spotted her in a corner, Cadima. Koro
sighed and walked up to the surprised satiki-isledi.
"So, you met your mother?" Koro asked.
"I still can't believe that a simple incantation
can make me so powerful!" Cadima gasped. Then she smiled at Koro. "But I finally
discovered my past, my reincarnated past."
Koro laughed. "That's for sure!" he said, and
Cadima laughed along with them.
"Omigosh!" a voice said, and soon Melissa was
busy hugging her little sister. "I can't believe you're actually alive, Cadima!
It's soooo awesome!"
"Well, I'm glad the spell wore off of you. And
you're painted Island," Cadima grinned, then added sharply, "But you owe me
50 NP for kidnapping me."
"No way!" Melissa groaned as Jiri and Juk ran
up to her.
"I never knew your mother could be so beautiful,
so radiant!" Jiri cried as she hugged Cadima. "You come from a long line of
famous Unis, Cadima!"
"I know!" Cadima laughed. "Now, can we go home
before anything else weird happens?"
"Sure!" Jiri replied, then turned to the Fire
Faerie. "Will you be coming too?"
"Unfortunately no," the Faerie replied sadly.
"I need to watch over this volcano like before. In the meantime, Cadima, I want
you to have something from me to you."
Cadima held her breath as the Faerie muttered
a spell, then opened her palms and on these hands of the great Faerie was a
Petpet. "Make sure to keep it happy," the Faerie smiled.
Cadima gasped when she saw a Faerie Moltenore,
a Faerie Moltenore in front of her! "I can't take this!" Cadima said. "It's
not right!"
But the stubborn Fire Faerie, who wasn't in
the mood for arguing again, opened Cadima's hooves and placed the Faerie Moltenore
in them. "It's yours, a gift of thanks," the Faerie said, and with that vanished.
"Say hello to Jhuidah for me!" her voice echoed.
"Why do you always get the good luck?" Melissa
wailed. Cadima and Koro laughed.
Jiri groaned. "You remind me of those two kwosdos
who tortured Cadima."
"I'm not anything like that Poogle or Zafara,
you lakei!" Melissa argued while Juk just smiled and Koro chatted with Cadima.
And so was the story of Cadima's greatest adventure,
where she had met new friends, and her long lost mother. Koro then mentioned
what Cadima was to name her Faerie Moltenore, and Cadima grinned. "I shall name
it Liialah," Cadima replied to Koro, and everyone, including the unseen yet
wafting spirit Liialah the tamuru-tiki-isledi, smiled in agreement.
Author's Note: Cadima, Koro, Jiri, Terakee, Juk and Liialah (and some other
names) are all the names I created for this story (not Jhuidah though); they
do not belong to me. Several words in this story like satiki-isledi and kwosdo
are made up native words. If you have trouble understanding this story or the
words themselves, perhaps you could read the story of Cadima The Uni: Island
Princess, and see if you can spot the translations in there. A thank you to
all the people who requested me to make a sequel to the previous story "Cadima
the Uni: Island Princess". Liialah would say that if you put your effort in
anything, it could be accomplished. That means even if you aren't that wealthy,
you could still afford a lot to get even a White Weewoo. Oh, and Melissa finally
got painted Island. Notice that she can speak the lingo as well, hehe.