Princess of Erodaire III: Part One
by christinetran
"He is to be taken to the dungeon," boomed King Alastare,
my father, as he angrily glared at the Shadow Draik before him. Heavy linking
chains bounded his feet and arms together, and although his head was held high,
his eyes were glued firmly upon the Mutant Draik form of the King. His eyes were
still a bloodshot red, and they still held their depth, but this time, a tinge
of hurt was visible.
"Yes, to the dungeons, yes!" Princess Vevina,
a Starry Draik cried, her face flushed with enthusiasm at being able to began
her duties as a new princess of Erodaire. Upon her neck, she wore the necklace
that used to adorn the neck of my mother, and a gemmed crown was lying upon
her head. I glowered at this sight, and disdainfully looked away. I could not
bear these actions no more.
I, now called Lady Andra despite the fact that
I am King Alastare's own daughter, stood in the back of the Great Hall, a shadow
among the many soldiers grouped by the doorways. The windows glimmered like
stars as the sunlight shone threw them, and everyone within the room seemed
to bathe gladly in this bright light. Everyone was happy...everyone, that is,
except for me, and I knew that Oldraik, the one who is to be sentenced, wasn't
exactly enthusiastic either. I glanced up once more.
This time, King Alastare seemed to be staring
straight at me. I gazed into his eyes, hoping for a sign of pardon , but I couldn't
find any. Instead, his eyes were dead, his face grim, and the frown was upon
his lips. He was still hurt by the fact that I had helped a King's Assassin,
and even though I had turned Oldraik in, he still wouldn't forgive me.
"Lady Andra, come here," my father's stern voice
rang out, echoing off the walls of the hallway. My body shook at this sudden
order, but I obediently nodded and walked forward, taking my dear time before
I reached the two royal thrones. The floor felt cold upon my feet, and the white
cloak draped about my shoulders felt like a heavy veil of ice. I took in a shuddering
breath before I looked up into my father's eyes.
"What is it, My Lord?" I asked, keeping my voice
as firm as possible and daringly looked straight at his eyes. The moment our
eyes made contact, his stare faltered slightly, and he awkwardly shifted in
his seat. Lady Vevina, sensing the uneasiness that had now settled upon the
room, quickly cleared her throat.
"How dare you stare straight into the King's
eyes when you are merely a Lady!" she hissed angrily at me. With a quick hand
gesture, she shouted, "Only a princess is allowed to stare into the King's eyes!"
My eyes burned with hatred, but I did not let
my anger show through. I took another cleansing breath before I gazed at her
gleaming, yellow eyes and defiantly whispered, "Dear Princess Vevina, I would
still be a princess if you hadn't taken my title away. Now if you would please
quiet your fidgety self, allow me to continue the conversation that only
the King and I are having."
Princess Vevina glowered dangerously at me,
but her mouth stayed firmly shut as she leaned comfortingly back upon her throne.
"How dare you insult my royal highness; because of this, the distribution of
food, currency, and liquids to Erodaire's towns and villages shall be decreased
by 5%!"
"What?!" I exclaimed angrily and took a few
steps forward until I was eye to eye with the treacherous Starry Draik. "I insult
you and you punish Erodaire's people?! What leadership is shown in those actions
you insolent little-"
"My dear, dear Andra, such a temper indeed,"
Vevina said with a smile when she realized that she had finally gotten through
to me. "This order shall be signed by the princess, my Lady, and to my knowledge,
none of the villagers have been informed of your...what do you call it...replacement,
yet, have they?"
I stood there in complete shock, my mouth agape
in anger. I felt my fists shake angrily at my side, but the loathing inside
me made me completely speechless.
"Now, now, dear Lady Andra, isn't it a pity
to have someone hate you for no reason at all?" Vevina said in a mocking tone
before she placed her eyes on my father adoringly. "Now, my King, what was it
you were going to say before Lady Andra had so rudely interrupted you?"
I breathed in once more and retreated away from
the Vevina's throne, but my fists were still clenched, and I could l clearly
feel the blade that still lay hidden within my sash. I took another step backwards
and bumped into something with a gasp; I turned around and came face to face
with Oldraik. Apparently, I have retreated back too far.
"Oldraik..." I whispered softly, but he did
not glance at me. Instead, he was staring straight ahead, his red eyes still
burning with their secrets. Regret stung my heart like a dagger in moments.
"Lady Andra!" Alastare's voice rang out, interrupting
my thoughts briefly. "Stand before the Draik which you had helped escape through
illegal means of betrayal."
With a nod, I turned around and looked straight
at Oldraik's eyes. It didn't make a difference, though, for it seemed like he
was staring straight through me. He was like a statue now, devoid of all feelings,
and it pained me to know that I was wholly responsible for the state that he
is in now.
"You are allowed to say any last words to this
Draik, for he is going to be sent away for a long time..." my father said, his
voice still stern and full of the inner-turmoil that I could only relate to.
The moment he said those words, the first things
that came into my minds were to apologize to him for my betrayal...but as I
continued to stare at him, this answer began to change. Like a waterfall, emotions
started to fall into place, and the hate that I so vividly felt when I first
laid eyes on him flooded over me. At the same time, though, his deep eyes continued
to lure me into thinking that he was a friend, someone that I could trust...someone
that I trust my life with. Once again, I was speechless, but this time, it was
out of confusion.
"Oldraik...I..." I began slowly, still unsure
at whether what I should truly say to him. His eyes were still staring straight
through me, and I could feel both my father's and Vevina's eyes gazing at my
back as well. "I...say hello to Sir Barick for me..."
Sir Barick...those two words seemed to shed
a whole new light upon my life. It has been so long since I have last seen him,
or heard of him...not since my father transferred all of the dungeon's prisoners
to the Lonely Tower in order to create more room. My mouth felt dry after I
uttered his name, and all of the words which he had spoken to me before. His
last request finally rested upon my thoughts, and regret stung my heart once
more. I turned around quickly and stared straight at my father.
"Your Majesty, I request to speak in order to
fill a...fill a debt unpaid," I said proudly, my head held high and my eyes
glaring into my father's. I watched him carefully as he took into account the
words I have spoken, and slowly nodded his head.
"Speak then, Lady Andra," his voice rang out,
filling the room with it's echoing thunder.
"A prisoner within your dungeon wishes me to
say that he has served you, your father, and your grandfather for many, long
years in loyalty, and that if it weren't for his being, you wouldn't have ever
been alive..." my voice quavered slightly at the last word. Although I tried
my best to speak as if I knew the meaning of these words, they still confused
me completely. I focused my attention once more upon my father, my king, hoping
that some sort of realization would spring into his face.
King Alastare stared at me, his eyes still dark
and shadowy; if he did recognize the meaning of the words, he did not show it.
Instead, he gave one quick nod and said, "All is said and done. Send the prisoner
to the northernmost tower of the castle. Put him under heavy guard," and with
those words he stood up, the shape of his body hidden behind his crimson cloak,
and walked briskly away.
"You heard His Majesty!" Lady Vevina said in
her authoritative tone, "take him away." With a sneer upon her lips, she glanced
down at me with hatred before she swept herself off the throne and followed
my father's lead.
I stood there, both stunned and calm, as I heard
the guards tug angrily at Oldraik's chains and lead him towards the North Tower.
I wanted to desperately reach for my dagger and help release him, but whenever
these thoughts fell into my mind, my father's eyes filled my gaze. I gave out
a heavy sigh as a heavy, wooden door boomed as it fell shut, separating me from
Oldraik for good. Once again, my thoughts drifted over to the words that Sir
Barick had spoken...
...she'll become a great Queen and a heroine...
just like her mother...
I scoffed at these words.
To be continued...