Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 81,826,882 Issue: 156 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y6
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"It was not perfect, and it was not the best, but it was her creation. She was doing one of the things she most enjoyed: writing."

Hurry Up, Swabby

Deckswabbing can either be a tedious chore or a lot of fun--from my own experiences, I know that many people are having difficulties with this game. Whether you're looking for that "Swabby" avatar or a trophy, this guide will help you...

Getting My Vote

Looking at every species and every picture is always a thrill! I try to look at the Beauty contestants every week, and observe as much as I can. In doing so, I have noticed patterns in the way that I vote...

Who Turned Out the Lights?

It might be fun to be a Neopian celebrity, running away from the crowds of fanatic n00bs in a hope to save your lucky green boots, but haven’t you thought, just once… “Haven’t we forgotten someone”? It’s time to meet Neopia’s forgotten characters, starting with a Faerie, would you believe it?...

Other Stories

"A Baking Disaster" by _icypanther_
Icy loves Strawberry Shimmer Cake, right? Why don't we make it to surprise her?"...

"The Day When Nobody Wrote" by imogenweasley
"I'm nothing but a hopeless case of a writer wannabe."...

"Wings of Change" by unrequitedxangel
"If I was an owner, I'd still never be as horrible as you," she barked."...

Petpets = Mess

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Great stories!


Wings of Change
"If I was an owner, I'd still never be as horrible as you," she barked while spinning around and storming off. Leaving a more perplexed Joey to stare dumbfounded at his owner.

by unrequitedxangel


Yama & Ourra
'Evil vs. Primitive'

by pseudo


The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny
Family Reunion

by immortalmina


Where Were You?
What had happened to those days of peace? What happened to the kingdom, whole and undivided? It had broken into two clean halves.

by ridergirl333


So You Want My Vote?
I try to look at the Beauty contestants every week, and observe as much as I can. In doing so, I have noticed patterns in the way that I vote.

by black_magic_ti

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