teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 81,826,882 Issue: 155 | 27th day of Hiding, Y6
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"You think he would have learned already NOT to eat Glamour Neggs."

Collector of Teeth

The Tooth Faerie. Questionably one of the most unseen Faeries in Neopia. Rarely ever viewed, this faerie appears only to take unwanted, and “supposedly” discarded teeth. But this Neopian dares to ask, who is this Faerie? Why does she collect teeth? And where does she get all this money to just hand out? Many have come to question the Tooth Faerie and what her true motives are...

Pesky Pests

Do you ever wonder, “What’s that scratching noise?” Or do you think about what that scurrying is in the walls? It is most likely one of the many pests of Neopia. I know what you’re thinking; “There aren’t any pests in Neopia!” But you are quite wrong my friend. Neopia isn’t a completely perfect place, for there are a few flaws, but not many. One of those flaws is pests...

Value of Education

An education is priceless. Well, that may not be quite true, but it's value certainly is. Who can sum up the price of knowing your multiplication table and being able to name the creators of Neopets? Such things bring joy to one's life for years and years, much too long to be counted in Neopoints. An education is treasured always, and a treasure I would highly recommend you share with your Neopet...

Other Stories

"Broccoli and Other Emergencies" by janejinn
"Those Neopoints are for an emergency. This isn't an emergency, just an inconvenience."...

"Just a Day Without Rules" by precious_katuch14
"Tomorrow, you can all do whatever you want. No rules, no chores, no work."...

"A Walk in Anothers Paws" by gracalyn
"No, mom! Take her back! I don't want a new sister! I want you to be only MY mom! No one else's!"...

A Give or Take Situation

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Money Tree
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Great stories!


The Art of Neopet Maintenance: An Inquiry into Methods
What about all those repairs that need to be done that aren't listed in the hospital's records? What do you do when poor Fluffy (Ahem) sorry, when poor Killer_369 falls and scrapes his knee?

by barbcat00


Flipped Pancakes
Pancakes can be confusing...

by articuno_neo


A Walk in Anothers Paws: Part One
"Another pet, sweetie. I want to get another pet. Won't it be great? You'll have someone to play with and go shopping with! And you can help me pick out what type of pet to get and what to paint it and everything..."

by gracalyn


Happy 14th Birthday!
Does anyone read the cake anymore?

by rassella

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