Brightvale: The Land of Knowledge
by playmobil_is_my_life
WORLDS - On the 12th day in the month of Hiding, a brand new world was released
into Neopia: a new world that promises peace and knowledge. A world that will
open doors to Neopians, (especially if the doors have ornate glass in them)…
This new world is called Brightvale.
Brightvale is located exactly fifty miles east of Meridell. It is famous for
is luscious foliage, the Brightvale Castle, and its ornate glass. Being a monarchy,
Brightvale is run by royalty, to be precise, King Hagan the Wise. And the special
thing about King Hagan is the fact that he is King Skarl's older brother. So
you can just imagine the sibling rivalry that's about to come!
Ever since the release of Meridell, in year four, King Hagan was jealous of
his younger brother, and he dreamt of creating his own world. I believe that
they were both quite contentious when they were younger, but I suppose that
Skarl got the better of Hagan one day when he began to rule Meridell…
Hagan: So, little bro, how about you let me be in charge of Meridell
for one day?
King Skarl: No.
King Hagan: How about just for a few hours?
King Skarl: No.
King Hagan: Oh, yeah? Well, maybe I'll create my own world and I'll
have my own castle. And my castle will be bigger than yours!
King Skarl: Whatever…
King Hagan: (Starts to run off) And my flags are going to be green
and white because red and blue are so ugly!
As you can see, Hagan was determined to create a better world. A world that
was much brighter. And thusly, Brightvale was born! Okay, so I'm not sure if
that's one hundred percent accurate, but I assume something like that happened.
You have to admit that Skarl and Hagan are quite different… King Skarl- He's
fat and lazy… known to lounge around eating cake all day. He doesn't care what
kind of food is fed to him, as long as it's edible. He spends his free time
bossing his servants around, every once-in-a-while watching a game of Meriball.
Oh, and Skarl's quite famous for his foul mood, as he's always trying to get
someone to tell him a joke, that he's never happy with. But even though Skarl
has that "typical little brother" attitude, he's still Meridell's King and a
good leader as well.
King Hagan- He believes that reading and learning will rise over all. Hagan
is much more elegant and independent while Skarl whines for everything. And
did you notice that Brightvale has a bookshop and a Wheel of Knowledge?
Do you see any kind of knowledgeable thing in Meridell? So King Hagan proves
to be smarter that Skarl.
Clearly these two kings are VERY different.
But where was King Hagan when Lord Kass and his army attacked Meridell? He
sure wasn't offering any help to Skarl, yet he creates a world where knowledge
is the highest and tries to draw the attention from Meridell to Brightvale?
But how long will Brightvale be in the spotlight before it is drawn to its neighboring
world, Meridell?
To some, Brightvale is a land of the wise. Where peace and kindness is always
encouraged, while to others, Brightvale is a symbol of war.
Maybe you're thinking, "Huh?" Let me explain. With Brightvale around, I can
sense some competition between it and Meridell. Both Kings want to be the best,
as well as the Neopians who live there, too. Was Brightvale created to stand
as a friendly neighborhood to Meridell, or an enemy? Only the future holds this
Well, instead of discussing the differences between Brightvale and Meridell,
let's talk about what Brightvale has for all of the Neopians to see and do.
Brightvale Glaziers
Looking for something to give your Neohome a little extra light? Stop by Brightvale
Glaziers, where ornate glass windows are sold all of the time. These windows
are custom made so each one is designed with true craftsman ship. Each piece
of glass is cut to perfection. The ornate glass windows are what Brightvale
is famous for: you will probably find one of these in every shop. If you are
looking for windows, make sure to visit Brightvale to find good quality and value.
The Wheel of Knowledge
If you're feeling lucky, head on over to the Wheel of Knowledge, located just
outside of Brightvale Castle. This wheel is the fourth to be released, and it's
a little different from the others. There's even a "spin again" space! And the
prizes are awesome: you can win anything from advice on a game to a rare plushie
or job coupon! However, you can only spin it every twenty-four hours; so make
sure you spin it whenever you can!
Brightvale Books
Another great feature in Brightvale is the bookshop. Brightvale Books has
all of the new books about its world to buy. So if your Neopet wants to read
about Brightvale, some books to consider are Brightvale Maps, Brightvale
Castle or King Hagan. Any Neopet who loves to read will be delighted
to receive one of these new books.
And let's not forget Brightvale's beautiful scenery. If you ever stop by,
make sure to look around at all of the trees and flowers. You will never see
anything so pretty in any of the other worlds, so this elegant foliage will
make Brightvale one of the top tourist attractions. The Brightvale Castle is
made entirely from limestone, and it has six towers. It is measured to be over
one hundred feet tall and has over two hundred rooms.
King Hagan: HAH! See, I told you my castle would be bigger, Skarl.
King Skarl: Pfft! Yeah, right…
And as a special treat for you, I happened to get an exclusive interview with
King Hagan as he was exiting his castle in the morning.
Me: King Hagan? I'm writing an article about Brightvale for the Neopian
Times and I was wondering if you'd allow me to ask you a couple of questions.
King Hagan: All right, then.
Me: Why did you decide to create your own world?
King Hagan: Hmm, I suppose it was because of Skarl. That lazy brother
of mine had to go and rule Meridell, and I wanted to meet his standards. And
I felt that we needed a world where knowledge was most important.
Me: I see! (Scribbles down Hagan's answers in a Rainbow Neopets Notebook)….
And… why do you believe that knowledge is superior to other things?
King Hagan: Knowledge is the key to life. With proper learning, one
can accomplish anything.
Me: Mm-hmm. And do you think that tourism will increase because of
the Wheel of Knowledge and the other attractions?
King Hagan: Oh, yes. The Wheel of Knowledge and Brightvale's Glaziers
will draw in lots of Neopians. Brightvale features things that no other world
Me: Okay, thanks for the interview, King Hagan!
So there you have it! If you're ever in the neighborhood, and you're looking
for something new, why not stop by Brightvale? After all, with all there is
to do, you're future looks… bright!