Why We're Thankful For the Times
by yellowlabs765
Conceived by yellowlabs765, ridergirl333, precious_katuch14 and Erileen
NEOPIAN TIMES HQ - Ever since that day in January of 2000, The Neopian
Times has been one of the primary sources of entertainment amongst Neopians.
I have my own memories of reading the Times and chuckling at the comics that
we read every week, or the short stories and articles that many owners have
worked faithfully on. Maybe you, too, have your own Times memories. And maybe
you’ve been there through the years blossom from just a small bunch of articles,
stories and comics to the beautiful work of art it is today. But it’s not just
the readers that are thankful that the Times is what it is today; the authors
are too. We are thankful to have a place on Neopets where we can express ourselves
and share our creativity with the rest of the world. And we’re also thankful
that we have a good, strong source of entertainment that we can turn to if we
want a laugh, a scare, or a piece of advice. So, for the big 150th anniversary,
we’ve come together to tell why we’re thankful for the newspaper of Neopians,
by Neopians and for Neopians...the Neopian Times.
I am thankful for the Neopian Times because I have found my inner muse through
it. I know I am not the best writer but I do know that I am a better writer
now than I used to be before. I learned how to make my imagination go wild and
understand and grammar better. I have also met a lot of wonderful people through
the Neopian Times. In the future, I am sure that I will never forget that I
once wrote for a paper that is known worldwide. -ladyariel32
It's a little bit of insanity in an all-too-sane world. A bit of light in the
shadows, hope for the hyperactive Halloween Ixi, really confused Meercas and
discontented Lab Rats in each of us. (referring to Daine, RC and BRD, if no
one caught the reference.) -Ridergirl333
The Neopian Times is a bit of a laughter for people all around the world...where
else will you find beautiful description, exciting plots, and extremely well-drawn
comics? I have found great friends through the Times, and have developed so
much as a writer. The Times had given me a while new look on my writing. For
that, I am grateful. ~Erileen
The Neopian Times has been a source of laughter and tears, happiness and anticipation,
friends and friendly writers to seek help from. Honestly, it was like a passage
to a magical realm of wonders, from annoyed Lupes, to white Weewoos, to the
editorial that has served the curious Neopians well. I could never imagine a
Neopia without the Neopian Times. -precious_katuch14
The Neopian Times has given me a chance to improve my writing and to experience
being published in a fun and challenging way. -dancepixie100
I'm indebted to the Times because it helped me get noticed.... And if I didn't
get noticed, I wouldn't have met all these great people, who I can seek solace
in. chaos_jess
The Neopian Times has brought me wonderful friends and a never-ending source
of enjoyment for almost all of my years at Neopia. I am thankful that it exists,
but I am even more thankful to be a part of it. -Meowth4
For me, the Neopian Times is something to read, or write for when you need
a bit of creativity in your life. The thrill of reading other people's writing
and knowing that they read my own, is a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything.
It taught me what it's like being a celebrity, even if just in the eyes of
a few people.
It taught me that "The" CAN be a part of a title.
It taught me that gimmicks=Neomail
It taught me that I publish, therefore I am. -Neo_tomi
It actually gives me some motivation to write stories.
I've met some great people because of it.
'Tis fun to read!
It has taught me that, in the words of Ridergirl, "Once in a White Weewoo, dreams
can come true." -chipster33
I like the Neopian Times because it has Weewoos in it. ...weewoooooo… -Laurensama
The Neopian Times gave me some of my best friends and a way to express the
oodles of story ideas that clutter up my brain. That and it occupies my free
time, which is a good thing as otherwise I'd be roaming the streets with a net
and weewoo bait. And no one wants that. -child_dragon
It gave me some friends, this forum and a improving English vocabulary... I
also know I can write. Actually... Before I found Neopets, I though I couldn't
do anything. The Neopian Times has changed that. -Articuno_Neo
I'm thankful for the Neopian Times because
it has encouraged and helped my with my writing...for that I'm eternally grateful.
I'm thankful because until I discovered it, I never knew I could draw or write...
Until I discovered it, Neopia was a lonely place...
Until I discovered it, I was terrifyingly sane... -frostcrystal
The Neopian Times is a place where artists and writers can let out their creativity,
and meet people like themselves.
The Times is fun to read.
The Times has pretty colours. -neo_star_queen
Why am I thankful for the times? It gives me a chance to give my work to the
public, get a good 15 minutes of fame in, and improve with the help of other
NT authors. This way, it also gives me a chance to make new friends. Being in
the Neopian Times makes me feel like I'm a part of something special. -Holycow81
I am thankful for the Times because it has helped me to grow as a writer. I
force myself to write better when I know that people are actually going to read
my words, and I've learned a lot in that process of constantly striving to be
the best I can be. I am also thankful that the Neopian Times has given me an
audience - I can now share my work with literally millions of people, as opposed
to the select few friends, family, and teachers. Many of these people have also
helped me improve, and I am most grateful of all for having gotten the opportunity
to meet them. -ember188
I'm thankful for the Times because it has the ability to bring people together,
people who all have something in common: love for Stoneman3x.
- pooh_pooh_caca
It helped me meet tons of friends, practice my writing and learn how to review
and edit my work, and writing pieces for it helped me procrastinate on my homework.
I'm thankful for the Times because it's the one place where I don't have to
be thankful for anybody's support 'coz I did it by myself! Only me! MUAHAHA!
- (A very modest) simsman24000
I'm thankful for the times because through writing and drawing I have been
able to achieve what I felt I could never do. It has helped me enhance my writing
skills, which in return, helps my grades. ;) -choclated
I'm thankful for the times because it allows me to display my creativity.
I'm thankful for the Times as it allows normal sane people to thrust their
inner insanity onto others. Also, the N.T has allowed writers and authors to
shelter from the hard reality which is life itself. With an opportunity to get
away from all the people who use 'little' words and to venture into the enriched
imagination of others. -plushieowner
I'm thankful of the NT because it taught me to love writing like it's my sibling....
or closer. Da neopain tymes taut me not 2 uze chatspeek. wuteva. The NT gives
me hours of laughter. My brother and I always replay the Pet Patrol comics over
and over, and we read funny articles together. I guess it brought me closer
to him too.
It also taught me to never give up, but that's by the help of a couple NT author
friends too. Also, the 'Times keeps my healthily insane. =D -lemmykoopa300
It makes me feel special and challenges me to improve. -rainbowface94
It teaches me new things everyday-- How to annoy the Faerie Queen, get revenge
on the Turmaculus and lots of things I can do with dung! -playmobil_is_my_life
It gives me something else to do on Neopets! Even though I only read the comics!
The Neopian Times is the main source of literature in Neopia. Without it, I
don't see myself on Neopets, nonetheless, the Internet at all. The Neopian Times
is a source of excellent art in all forms demonstrated by very talented writers
and artists found in everyday kids and people. Thanks to TNT, we have access
to this brilliant feature that makes Neopian Literature what it is. -JinJolover
I'm thankful for the Neopian Times because it has made me realize my writing
talent and has made me able to improve it a lot more. -ginger23456
I'm thankful for the Times because it allows the
players of Neopets, young or old, shy or outgoing, to express themselves through
articles, stories, and comics. It allows one to carve out their own little niche
in Neopia, to share the stories and humor hatched in their minds with the rest
of the user base, people with a common interest. -sharakh
I'm thankful for the Times because I get
to read the work of others, and they can read mine. -yellowlabs765
Why am I thankful for the Times? The list goes on and on. Let's just say that
it has touched and brought joy to millions of users on Neopets, and expanded
their imaginations. There's something for everyone... hilarious comics, stories,
and articles that make us fall off our chairs laughing. Series and short stories
that touch our hearts and make tears roll down our cheeks. There's helpful information
for everyone, whether they're looking for tips on restocking, games, or writing.
The Times is one of the main things that makes Neopets great... it's an outlet
for creativity and ideas created by users, for users. And not only that, it's
helped so many people realize their talents! The Neopian Times has challenged
hundreds of people to use their imaginations and write. Some of these people,
having become stars on Neopets, will probably have their work actually published
when they get older! The Times has brought these talented people together, so
they can share ideas, express their creativity, and engage in general insanity.
And finally, what would Neopets be like without the Times? A dreary place! Imagine
a Neopia where users had no way to voice the stories they have created about
them and their pets! Imagine a Neopia where all the hilarious jokes about Neopian
life could never be shared! That, my friends, would be a NIGHTMARE Neopia. Thank
you, Neopian Times. Thank you Snowflake, for being such a kind and patient editor.
Thank you Adam and Donna, for creating this wonderland called Neopia. And happy
Issue 150, everybody! -mrs_fluff
I am forever indebted to the Neopian Times. It inspires me every week (or two)
to become a better writer and critic. It gives me hope because I know that the
world is full of genius writers who are modest about their sanity (or insanity,
of course). It allows me to have something to look forward to each and every
week. It helps me get through tough days with it's wacky humor, tear-jerking
stories, and action-packed adventures. It taught me that there are younger and
better writers out there, and gives me a reason to challenge myself with every
writing assignment I receive. It showed me how truly warm, kind, and generous
a Snowflake is, despite the cold temperature. The Neopian Times gave me my talent,
helped me improve it, and then allowed me the chance to show it to the world.
- christinetran
I'm very grateful for the Neopian Times, it gave me a new set of eyes, a new
way to look at the world. It taught me not to be afraid of being silly. It gave
me new ideas, new ways to write, to express myself. I humble myself every week,
when I read all these great stories , coming from potential authors -who knows,
maybe best selling authors-. And it fuels my burning desire to better myself,
to season myself as a writer. Thank you for making me want to become a better
The Neopian Times, it takes us to a fantasy world, where anything can happen.
A world in which anyone can make a difference, a world where even the smallest
neopet can do big things. It takes us to places, where once the darkness reigned,
was extinguished by the light. To places where memorable characters were born,
as silly as they were , we loved them for that silliness and for making us laugh.
Thank you Neopian Times for expanding our minds, thank you for filling this
generation with the love of words and imagination, thank you for inspiring future
best selling authors and artists. Thank you for inspiring the persevering of
literature. dragonfate
Well, I am thankful for the Times because it taught me how to properly insult
an green evil genius trying to take over Neopia. I am also thankful for the
NT because it taught me how to become a better writer. It was one of the best
teachers and experiences that I am so lucky to be blessed by. It has taught
me so much and I've learned a lot. I look forward to learning so much more about
myself and how to develop further as a writer. Lastly, I am thankful for the
Times because it taught me to dream big, never give up and to always conquer
your dreams. -roxycaligirl101
Although many people not know me, and may not realize it, but I'm practicing
to become a writer! Not only does the writing of others help me write my own
pieces, but I can write stories for the Times and feel like I've written a novel.
It's fun to feel famous! -erika04221993
The Neopian Times gave me a creative output for
my creativity and it helped me to develop a talent that quite a few people are
jealous of ^_^; Also it helps vent my hyperness and overactive imagination!
-^_^- When people send me letters of appreciation, it makes me happy to know
that people can relate to my comics and stories. It is especially gratifying
to see someone look up to you for inspiration and then work hard to achieve
a dream, its even better when they make it! You also make so many friends and
get to know them, not just by talking to them, but by reading their works. And
that is why I am thankful for the Times. -Random_Joy
And a word from Snowflake herself…
I am thankful for the Neopian Times because it showed me how many talented
young people there are. Too often I’ve been amazed at the tremendous talent
I have seen. Brilliant stories, creative articles, hilarious comics, and amazing
art skills. It also gives users a chance to share their talents with millions
of other users. There aren't too many places you can do that at.
These are just a few of the many artists and writers that have made the NT
what it is today. We, including you, all have a reason to be thankful, whether
it be that you like the Times for enjoyment or that you appreciate all the work
that goes into it. And yes, though some of the Times’ greatest legends are silencing
their pens, it is mostly you, the reader, that has supported the Times
through these four years. And, someday, with your help, this paper will be grow
to be bigger and more beautiful, because without the reader, there is no Times.
On behalf of the Neopian Times and all Neopian Times authors and artists, this
is yellowlabs765, wishing you a happy 150th. (150 down, many more to go!)