Leaving the Fire
by dancepixie100
The sweet scent of daisies wafted through the spring air
and caressed the tiny nose of a little red Yurble who contrasted brightly with
the rolling hills of white flowers. The Yurble sat squat on the hill, relaxing
in the sunny breeze. His innocent eyes followed the minuscule insects swimming
through the air while his ears listened to the soft humming of the birds. He was
just a young, innocent, little creature who was curious of just about everything.
His curiosity was what led him too spot an exotic
faerie fluttering through the daisies down the hill. The Yurble reached out
a paw to try to catch it, but soon realized that the faerie was too far away
to touch. The golden shimmery wings of the faerie sparkled like a star and soon
the Yurble was hopping up and down trying to reach it. But he quickly fell unbalanced
and as soon as he plopped back down on the ground he began rolling down the
hill. The Yurble squeaked with excitement as he came tumbling down. He was rolling
so fast that his little red body seemed to look like fire racing down the hill.
At the foot of the hill was a blue Eyrie who
seemed young himself, but his eyes told that he was wise beyond his years. Maybe
it was just that he missed that whole part of his childhood where he could tumble
down hills of flowers and spend hours watching the clouds. He never knew what
it felt like to skip stones across the lake or make chains out of flowers. Maybe
it was because he had such a big responsibility... a responsibility that most
young Neopets don't usually have to worry about- taking care of his little brother
all by himself.
"Elian, there you are! I've been looking all
over for you! Don't run away from me again." The Eyrie picked up his little
Yurble brother and shook the grass off from him. Elian made a soft squeaking
noise and looked innocently into his brother's eyes.
"But Aurelius, don't you ever like to have fun?"
"Not when I have to be looking after you. Come
on, let's go home now."
The entire time the two Neopets were walking
home, Aurelius's mind seemed to race with a flood of thoughts and worries. The
Meridell war was fast approaching. He could tell by looking up at the sky and
seeing the flocks of black and purple Crokabeks- the spies of Darigan. In the
distance, the Darigan citadel seemed more alive than ever. It brought tingling
shivers of fear through Aurelius's back.
But what worried him the most was the risk of
being called to war. He was the proper age after all, as his 15th birthday would
come in the summer, which was only months away. Young Neopets were being called
to battle left and right. It could be any day now that Aurelius would receive
his letter. It wasn't that Aurelius wasn't brave enough to fight, it was his
fear for what would happen to his little brother.
"Elian is only 3 years old. What would happen
if I got called to fight? He would be all alone. Who would be there to take
care of him? No one. I can't leave him by himself...not after what happened
to him--what happened to us."
Suddenly a small shiver overcame Aurelius as
he remembered that deadly night almost 3 years ago. The night that changed his,
and Elian's life forever.
Aurelius's worst fear came alive as they rounded the corner to their tiny
tree shack. Sitting by the door was a letter wrapped with a red and gold ribbon.
The Eyrie spotted it immediately, and stopped dead in his tracks. A sudden cold
tingle overcame his body and he couldn't take another step. Elian realized his
brother's distress and stared at the letter with large, gleaming eyes. What
was in the letter, and what it meant the little Yurble did not know.
"Aurey, what's wrong?" Elian asked gently. His
Eyrie brother never answered. Only a small glistening tear fled from his eyes.
"Elian sit down," Aurelius said with a weak
voice. The little Yurble did as his brother said and sat down with a confused
and unknowing expression in his eyes. "There's something I need to talk to you
about." Aurelius then unfolded the letter and read it out loud.
King Skarl and his royal cabinet has hear
by selected you, Aurelius Star, to be called to battle in protection of Meridell,
on this 22nd day of the month of Hunting.
"Do you know what that means, Elian?" Not to
his surprise, Elian just blinked innocently. "Well, it means that I'm going
to have to fight in the war. Do you know what a war is?"
"Isn't that like when everyone dies?" the Yurble
"Well yeah, that's what usually happens."
"Y-y-you mean t-that your g-going to die?" Elian
began crying as he thought of what would happen to his big brother. Aurelius
placed his wing over Elian's shoulders. "B-but you c-can't go, Aurey, you j-just
"I know, Elian. I would never leave you. We're
a family. Family's are always there for each other. I promise you. We're going
to have to leave."
"But when?"
That night was thick with uncertainty. The clouds drifted over the moon as
if to whisper secrets in the dead of the night. There were no stars in the sky,
and the absence of glittering light seemed deathly. Yet as Elian and Aurelius
slept, everything seemed peaceful and not a single noise stirred. That was until
the faintest creak was heard outside the window. Aurelius shifted slightly in
his sleep. His mind told him that it was only a breeze, but his heart knew it
was more.
Aurelius fluttered his eyes open and checked
to see that his little brother was sleeping peacefully besides him. The Eyrie
was just about to go back to sleep when he heard the rustling and creaking sound
again. He crossed the room and drew the curtains, releasing a shocking gasp
as to what he saw.
Masses of Darigan Neopets were huddled in the
dark ready to attack the village at any time. They carried loads of weapons
on their backs- knives, swords, and pitchforks. They waited by every door, watching
for Kass's signal to begin destruction. Aurelius stumbled backward at their
hideous sight. Within a brief second, a large horn was blasted, indicating the
signal to begin the attack on Meridell.
In one blurry flash of a second, a shot of fire
crashed through the window, shattering glass throughout the floor. Almost instantly
the fire burned hungrily, feeding on everything in it's way. Its teeth tore
apart curtains and chairs and rose higher and higher like a bloodthirsty menace.
Outside the town was in chaos. Babies were screaming
as their parents were ripped apart from them. Houses were being torn to pieces
by the tightening claws of evil Darigans who laughed at the sight of the injustice
they had done.
"Aurey!!!" screamed Elian. The little Yurble
erupted in a flood of tears as his sleepy eyes gazed upon the destroyed contents
of the room and the wall of fire circling around him. He started to choke on
the thick black smoke and ashes while he called desperately for his brother.
But he was too young to remember...
"Elian where are you?!" shouted the crazed Eyrie
over the chaotic rumble of terror. After a moment of scanning the fire, Aurelius
spotted his brother crumpled up on the floor with the fire edging closer and
closer to his tiny body.
In that moment of time, Aurelius realized that
the chances of saving Elian and escaping the fire alive would not be achievable.
The wall of red and orange flames created a thick barrier on either side. The
sobbing cries and screams of Elian were getting harder to hear. No, I have to
do something, thought Aurelius. I made him a promise. I said I would never
leave him...because we are a family. I can't let this happen to us again...
And in that moment Aurelius remembered that
night 3 years ago- the night that was almost identical to this one...
It was just another long lazy summer afternoon, one that was common in Meridell.
Aurelius sleepily sprawled himself across the kitchen rug, waiting patiently for
his owner to come home. His eyes focused upon the endless gleaming trophies lined
up on the wall. They were all recognizing his Battledome achievements. It wasn't
something he particularly enjoyed, but if it made his owner happy, then it made
him happy. That was all he really wanted anyway- to just be a family.
Recently however, Aurelius hadn't been scoring
the gold in battle competitions like he used to. For weeks, the Eyrie had been
bringing home a smaller bronze or silver trophy instead. The competition had
been getting harder and Aurelius had found himself slacking during practices.
And this made his owner very, very upset.
Aurelius lazily stretched his legs and went
to the window where his baby brother Elian, only a few weeks old, was playing
with some toy blocks. Aurelius loved playing with his brother. It made him happy
to see the Yurble's eyes light up whenever they were having fun together. That's
what family meant to Aurelius- just being together and being happy. He didn't
realize that family would have a whole new meaning after that night.
The door snapped open as the Neopets's owner
walked in. He seemed to be slightly angry. Aurelius could tell by the manner
he was putting away the groceries. "Aurelius, come here NOW!" he shouted impatiently.
"Yes," the Eyrie called obediently. He walked in quietly just as his owner threw
together some food for dinner. Outside, it was getting dark and the candles
in the kitchen flickered slightly.
"How did you let that pathetic wimp of a Zafara
beat you in the Battledome match today?" Aurelius stumbled for an answer but
he couldn't come up with one. He just stood there quietly and gazed into the
glowing light of the candle. "The neighbors are all talking and my status is
going down with your failure!" the owner sniveled. "Don't just stand there you
pathetic creature, say something!" The boy's eyes burned with rage and he through
a can of food that knocked over the candles. Suddenly, a large uproar of fire
was created that matched the owner's anger. The fire started getting out of
control and spread throughout the room rapidly. Aurelius became truly scared
as the fire climbed higher and higher like a great wall.
"I-im s-sorry. I'll t-try harder," cried the
"No. That was all I wanted you for. Why would
I want you now? You are useless."
"But I thought we were a family!" Aurelius's
words were lost to the blazing fire which was destroying their home as the seconds
ticked by. The wall of fire was too great, and the only thing Aurelius could
do would be to save his baby brother. That was the only thing that rested on
his mind after the terrible hurt and betrayal that was lashed out upon him.
"I won't have this fire separate me and Elian, for he is my true family and
families always stick together...no matter what."
Now 3 years later, Aurelius knew what he had
to do. There was only one thing he could do, and that was to sacrifice himself.
Aurelius spread out his long wings and dived through the wall of fire. The sparks
of flames caught on to his blue feathers and singed his skin. Despite the cruel
pain, Aurelius found Elian lying on the ground and picked him up by using his
beak. He glanced around for a way to escape -- courage gleaming in his eyes
and hope in his heart. There was no way out but up, and luckily there was a
ceiling window above them...
"CRASH." The shattered remnants of the
glass showered to the ground in an image of stars falling from the sky. The
pieces reflected the sparks of the flames like comets searing to the ground
in a sparkling daze. Aurelius felt the cool touch of night soothe his burning
body and the feeling of relief brought him gliding past the moon.
At last Aurelius set Elian down on the grassy hill far away from the violence
in the town. The Eyrie's body was shredded and mangled from the disastrous fire.
He was hardly recognizable to his little brother who cried silently at his side.
"Aurey, are you going to be okay?" asked Elian
innocently and unknowingly. "As long as you are safe, Elian," Aurelius whispered
with a tiny fragment of his weak voice. "We are a family. We stick together
no matter what." "No matter what?"
Aurelius smiled gently and nodded with a tip
of his head. Then after a long gaze into each other's eyes, the two brothers
headed out and followed the moon until the fire was long behind them.
The End