Three Deeds
by erileen
Note: Based on the story, "The Naughtiest Faerie". Farrah was originally created
by precious_katuch14.
“Feol, I am this close to snapping!” the faerie exclaimed,
practically in hysterics. She gazed angrily at the little Fire Faerie sitting
politely at the kitchen table. The little faerie sighed, groaned, and fidgeted.
“You know, Mom, I could be doing valuable
things right now!”
“This is no time for your, ‘valuable things!’”
the tall Fire Faerie exclaimed. She was tall and slender, with short, red hair
that was in a crisp cut at her ears. Orange wings exploded from her back. Her
face was tired, and tight as she looked at her little daughter, Feol.
Many often said that Feol was a miniature
example of her tall, slender mother. In identical Fire Faerie brown dresses,
the flaring dark hair (though Feol’s hair was a deep red orange, contrasting
her mother, Farrah’s, light orange), and the simple complexion.
There were also many personality overlaps
between Feol and Farrah, but those similarities were unknown to the mischievous
little Fire Faerie sitting, bored to death, at the kitchen table.
Farrah sighed and sank into a chair next
to Feol, holding the crumpled piece of paper in her hand. She sighed. It seemed
every day her bright and beautiful daughter brought home reprimanding notes.
Farrah unfolded the newest note and read
it aloud:
Today, Feol was extremely disruptive during classes, and proceeded to enchant
sixteen grapefruit to zoom about the cafeteria and smash on the Elder Faeries
My concern is great about Feol. I suggest sending her to a tougher school,
where her discipline level can be met. Consider, “Faeries Institutional”, a
boarding school, not far off.
Miss Persephona
Resident Headmistress
Farrah was shocked. Never before had the
Headmistress suggested sending Feol away…and to a boarding school, nonetheless!
Farrah faced Feol with severe displeasure
on every inch of her pale face. “Feol,” she said in a shaking voice.
Feol burst out for the first time that
afternoon, “Mom, you can’t, you just can’t, send me away to that prison!”
Farrah folded her arms severely. “I am
seriously considering it!”
“B-But all of my friends are here!” Feol
said, deliriously. “And…I love it here! You couldn’t send me off!” Desperation
shone in Feol’s face.
She never meant to be a troublemaker...it
just had all arose so suddenly, like a wave off the shady Mystery Island beach.
It was fun, trouble. A thing Feol had always known, like a security blanket.
Her thoughts were cut off by Farrah’s snapping
voice. “Go to your room, Feol! I have a lot of thinking to do…”
When Farrah entered Feol’s tiny room hours later, she saw Feol sitting cross-legged
on her bed, holding her Yellow Gelert Plushie. “Mom…” she whispered. “I don’t
want to go away.”
Farrah sat down on Feol’s bed, and said,
“I don’t want you to leave either Feol.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that if, and
this is a very big if, Feol, you can show me you’re going to be a proper faerie,
I will decline the Headmistresses request for you to be schooled elsewhere.”
Joy invaded Feol’s chest, but it quickly
sunk like the paper boats she had made as a child and floated on the Mystery
Island ocean. “Mom…how…?” she spluttered.
Farrah smiled, and put three fingers with
perfectly polished orange nails her outstretched. “Three good deeds, Feol. By
sunset this time tomorrow, you need to have performed five good deeds.”
Feol’s eyes opened wide. She wanted to
comment and banter and argue with her mother, but Farrah swept out of the room
before Feol could make a sound.
“Three good deeds…” Feol whispered. She kicked a stone as she walked down a
dusty road in Faerieland. She pondered over what she could do.
“It’s not like I’m Fyora or something…”
she murmured. “I’m a tiny little Fire Faerie! Like I can make any difference…”
she muttered.
All of a sudden, she saw a small Water
Faerie sitting on a cloud, crying.
Feol walked over to the Faerie. “What’s
the matter?” she said, worried.
The little Water Faerie sobbed. “It-it’s
Sk-Skippy my Floud!” she cried. “He got off his leash and I can’t find him anywhere!”
she sobbed.
“Oh…” Feol said, tenderly. She remembered
when she had lost her petpet in Faerieland Central Shopping Centre. She took
the little Faerie’s hand and walked on.
It was half an hour of desperate searing
before Feol and the Water Faerie finally located the Floud.
“Thank you, Miss Faerie!” she said as she
hugged Skippy. Feol smiled sheepishly. “Anytime.”
She sighed and went back to her business
of pondering good deeds. “I could go down to Neopia and serve at the Soup Kitchen…”
she mumbled.
Suddenly, she heard a bell ring. It was
one of the Institutes; they were having class.
Faeries poured out of the school. Suddenly,
an Earth Faerie caught her eyes. Feol could only tell it was an Earth Faerie
from the leafy green wings and long green skirt. Books upon books were piled
in her hands, teetering. Feol could hear the Earth Faerie murmuring, “No! Stay…stay!”
Feol rushed passed all of the chattering
faeries to the Earth Faerie. “Let me help you!” she said, grabbing five of the
books. She saw the faerie’s face for the first time; green eyes shone brightly,
nearly hidden by masses of frizzy brown hair. “Thank you!” she said. “My home
isn’t far off…only a few blocks.”
They walked and talked until they arrived
at the faerie’s house. “Thank you!” she said gratefully, as she opened the door.
Feol followed her inside and placed the books on the frayed sofa.
“Anytime!” she called cheerily, as she
waved and departed.
Feol tried to think of good deeds as she
walked along the cloudy roads. “Oh, but what?” she murmured as she walked in
a confusion. “I’ll never get three good deeds by sundown!” she said worriedly,
as she walked on.
The sky was draped with pink and orange,
and the light was dying down as Feol hurriedly walked, desperate to find some
source of goodness possibly to perform. She bit her nails and whimpered as she
walked in a panic.
Suddenly, she heard someone shout in frustration,
“I’ll never find it!” she looked over and saw a small, yellow Aisha stamp her
foot in impatience. Feol ran over. “What’s wrong, little one?” she asked, gently.
Tears of frustration rolled down the Aisha’s
cheeks. “I…I FINALLY got a job at the Employment Agency, and I can’t even find
the item!” she shrieked.
“I’ll try to help!” Feol said. “What is
it that you need?”
The Aisha pointed to a flyer she had received
at the agency. “I Yellow Gelert Plushie!” she said, hopefully.
Feol’s face fell; there was no toy store
up in Faerieland, and by the time they flew down to Neopia Central to the toy
store, it would be too late.
“I know what I should do,” she whispered.
“But I don’t know if I can do it…”
In a split second, her mind was made up.
She scooped up the tiny Aisha and ran for her home. She barged in, not even
spending the time to check if Farrah was home. She rushed into her room, and
grabbed her Yellow Gelert Plushie. She gave the plushie a long, sad look before
she ran into the living room, scooped up the Aisha, and ran for the Employment
“Congratulations, you have completed this quest,” a bored-stiff looking Air
Faerie announced.
The Aisha squealed and hugged Feol’s neck.
“Thank you!” she screamed. Feol nodded sadly, and started her way home.
The sun had sunk behind the cloudy bluffs,
and the day was over. Tears sunk down Feol’s face. “I didn’t do my three good
deeds.” She said to no one, as she walked.
She pushed the door open to her home. Farrah
was at the kitchen table, eating a sandwich.
“I’m going to pack my bags now,” Feol said
Farrah’s eyes bulged. “Feol, what in Fyora’s
name do you mean?” she screamed.
“I…I didn’t do my three good deeds!” Feol
shouted, walking to her room. Farrah raced and caught up with her. “Feol, what
are you talking about?” Farrah said, deliriously. “You helped that Water Faerie
find her Floud, you carried that Earth Faerie’s books, and you gave away your
favorite stuffed toy!”
“So?” Feol said, angrily. “They aren’t
good deeds!”
Farrah smiled and crossed her arms. “Feol,
what are they then?” she laughed.
Feol thought for a long time before she
whispered, “Good deeds.” Then, with a laugh, she hugged her mother tightly.
Farrah walked Feol into her bedroom, and
sat on Feol’s bed. “Feol…I-I have something to tell you…” she said. Feol plopped
down on the bed.
“What, Mom?”
“Well...Feol, you know how people always
say we’re alike?” Feol nodded; she had heard thus a thousand times. “Well…well
Feol, I’m afraid it’s more thank just looks.
“I was exactly like you when I was your
age…” Farrah laughed. “They called me The Naughtiest Faerie. But, I learned
my lesson, just as you did.” She turned off the light, and kissed Feol on the
forehead. “Good night, my sweetheart.”
The next morning, Feol woke up to find a Yellow Gelert Plushie sitting squarely
atop her chest.
The End
Author's Note: Thanks for reading my story! Yayness for 150 Issues of the