Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,147,861 Issue: 967 | 26th day of Hiding, Y24
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Jeran was in the middle of his explanation when Tormund suddenly stopped and held up a hand sign for silence. He pointed at a figure weaving in and out of the trees ahead. They had finally caught up to a pointy-hatted Tonu who was walking in the same direction along the trail as them. Now that they saw him and were not talking amongst themselves, they could hear him muttering to himself."

The Tyrannian Food Shop: Public Opinion

Hi! Everyone likes a good bite to eat, right? Well, I sure do. In honour of Tyrannian Victory Day this year, I visited the Tyrannian Foods shop, which is run by a Kacheek. Although he only speaks Tyrannian, one of the locals kindly translated for us. The food was great; I loved the Coconut Juice Bowl!

Top Five Vacation Spots Around Neopia

Ah, Summer! Don't we all love it? The sun is shining, the Pteris are singing, and best of all: there's no school! My name is Auburn Sun, and today I'd like to take you on a tour of Neopia. Let's look at some of my favourite lands to vacation.

Interviewing One of Neopia's Most Prominent Kadders!

Feeding Kadoaties is one of many things you can do on Neopets! There is even an avatar if you manage to feed 75, then check your user lookup. Some users continue to feed past the avatar as well as help others get the avatar by passing tips and keeping times. Find out in an exclusive interview with one of Neopia’s top kadders (with over 6,000 fed!)

Other Stories
"Adventures in Kiko Lake" by dunefurandlilypelt
Delilah groaned, still under the covers of her bed. She and her roommate, Annie, always tried to be the first one to grab their favourite mug in the morning. It was a Kiko Lake-themed one that Delilah had won at Altador Cup, and by far the nicest object in their little house.

"Drip...Drip...Drip...Drip... " by cinnabonski
Drip...drip...drip…drip… The ceaseless patter of the droplets were a sombre metronome marking his slow slip into oblivion. His ragged breathing, the only other audible noise, but even that felt muffled by the oppressive darkness.

"Something Old, Something New" by 77thbigby
We were celebrating our sixteenth anniversary (well, my anniversary, his birthday) when Lofty told me something. “Momma, I would like to be painted,” Lofty said. “Do not get me wrong, I have loved being a baby but it's time for a change.” I widened my eyes in surprise. Lofty had been my first ever Neopet.

Faerieland Employment Agency

This week's issue is brought to you by: Faerieland Employment Agency
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Great stories!


Ghosts of the Past - Part 3
"Sylvana led the Darigan trio to a barn behind the farmhouse, its once vibrant red paint now faded from time and the elements alike. Hay lay strewn rampant throughout the floor and the shelves above."

by fallingdaybreak


Ancient Home - Part 3
the penultimate chapter! collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn


Florg Goes Vegetarian: Part 2
Florg feel different already!

by woohooloolz


Top Five Vacation Spots Around Neopia
"Ah, Summer! Don't we all love it? The sun is shining, the Pteris are singing, and best of all: there's no school! My name is Auburn Sun, and today I'd like to take you on a tour of Neopia."

by auburn_sun


Adventures in Kiko Lake
Delilah groaned, still under the covers of her bed. She and her roommate, Annie, always tried to be the first one to grab their favourite mug in the morning. It was a Kiko Lake-themed one that Delilah had won at Altador Cup, and by far the nicest object in their little house.

by dunefurandlilypelt

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