A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,714,467 Issue: 871 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y21
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

When I was younger, I had always wanted to travel around Neopia. Even as a Baby Neopet, I knew that there was more to the world than the little life I led in Neopia Central. My early years were hallmarked by this constant yearning for something more, and I could never really pin down just what it was. Was it a sense of friendship that I never had with other Neopets? True, authentic experiences? Peace of mind with enough Neopoints in the bank? Whatever it was, I was only sure of one thing - I was never going to get it here.

What To Do When You Come Off Hiatus

By now, most Neopians are folks who have been on this site for years—some even a decade or more—and with that kind of longevity comes necessary breaks when real life gets in the way: hiatuses. I’ve taken hiatuses many times over my nearly fourteen years on Neopets—some just for a few weeks during important life events, others for even years at a time.

What do stars have to say?

Have you ever wondered who you are? What’s your purpose? How can you describe yourself? For some reason, these heavy questions sometimes make all of lift our noses to the sky, maybe to find some comfort in the night landscape. While looking up, all of the stars are shining, and they almost seem to understand us.

A New Champion's Guide to Never Ending Boss Battle

Last month I finally won my first game champion trophy on a Neopian classic, “Neverending Boss Battle.” Therefore, I figured now is as good a time as any to write my first game guide as well. I’m not the highest scorer ever, but five thousand points seems decent like a decent enough credential. Enough about my points though, let’s talk about getting you some points and a shiny gold trophy.

Other Stories
"Dream Like I Do" by ptolemis
When I was younger, I had always wanted to travel around Neopia. Even as a Baby Neopet, I knew that there was more to the world than the little life I led in Neopia Central. My early years were hallmarked by this constant yearning for something more, and I could never really pin down just what it was. Was it a sense of friendship that I never had with other Neopets? True, authentic experiences? Peace of mind with enough Neopoints in the bank? Whatever it was, I was only sure of one thing - I was never going to get it here.

"Meridell's Grace" by flyinglulu
What is she doing up there?” As he stared at the red Xweetok, Tom wondered about the thoughts running through her mind – whether she was coming up with some new question about the neopian existence, the impulses that led one to magically change their species, or the existence of an Order of Pets to rule the neopian system beneath their very noses. It all seemed like it could come from inside her head.Mel hung from a tree branch on the skirts of Meridell’s village, well into the woods.

"One Scary Night - retold by Oira " by bubbles150
Rain poured down heavily onto the grounds, leaving puddles everywhere in the Haunted Woods as a Baby Kougra named Oira stood in front of The Haunted Cave with his Meepit, Iora and Breebly, Rai. Oira held a Rainbow Umbrella in his left paw and a Battle Torch in his right. On his back, was a Kaia Backpack full of the items he needed for the night. Oira heard crash of thunder and saw a flash of lightening, and a cold gust of wind swept through the air, making the three of them cold.

Can you make your Goal?!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Shootout Showdown!
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