Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,005,051 Issue: 812 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

It looked like a small city was spread out across the deck. Row upon row of uniform houses stood like soldiers on parade, equally spaced, without variation or flaw, immaculate to the tiniest detail.

Seasonal Neopian Coffee Guide

If you are anything like me, you need that first cup of coffee before you start your day. You do not want to be tired all day while your pets want to update their wardrobe or battle Punchbag Bob for the hundredth time. Whether you need one cup, or two...or, uh...forty-five…this is a guide to show you exactly which drinks you should be sipping during each season. You do not want to be caught drinking a latte that was trendy two season ago, do you? No way! It is time to delve into the drinks you absolutely NEED to get your hands on. Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall, coffee is there for one and all!

A Short Guide to Neoquest

Neoquest, especially on normal, is actually quite an easy game. However, it does take preservation. Most people will slowly chip away at the game over a few years. Though the fastest wins are less than seven hours, so it’s possible to get through a game much quicker. To give you some idea, at the end of my game on insane, I had earned 265,557 experience points. For Neoquest, you will not get a prize like Neoquest II. You will get a few Neopoints, but this isn’t a game to play to become rich. The main attraction here is no less than a shiny new trophy on your lookup and an avatar.

Neopia's '20 under 20' list for Y20!

Year 19 was a huge year for sport, fashion, business, food... you name it, Y19 provided it! But what might Year 20 have in store? We've brought you a list of the up-and-coming Neopians who are set to make a big splash in Y20. These are the ones to watch - you heard it here first! 1. Rasala the Bright Having recently graduated from an apprenticeship under Alshemar, Rasala is a powerful young wizard who is head of the Order of the Red Erisim.

Other Stories
"How to Cure Nightmares" by kunabee_tiger
Iridesce was rarely home. She was a wanderer, never able to stay in one place for very long. It was why she ended up in the Pound - and that had very nearly killed her. It was suffocating and claustrophobic. The end result had worked out, though. A bed she could always return to, and she was the only one with any say in where and when she went. She was peacefully asleep, dreaming of Maraqua and the see, when something woke her. It was a strange and unfamiliar noise, and she lay blinking in the dark before she realized what it was. Someone was crying. She slid out of bed, feet landing softly on the bamboo floor. The noise was coming from across the hall, which meant it was the new pet, a Stealthy Kacheek named Zabuzaf. Iridesce knocked on her door before opening it, stepping inside. The Kacheek had most of her painted clothes off, only wearing the shirt without its armor. In her hands, she held her helmet. "I'm sorry," she whispered loudly, "I didn't mean to wake you." Iridesce could see the tears still on her cheeks, and the fact hed hands were shaking, the helmet rattling slightly with the minute motion. "It's not a problem," Iridesce said quietly. Her voice didn't quite drop down to a whisper. She sat on the bed next to Zabuzaf, looking at the Kacheek with gentle concern. "I never sleep well, anyway," she lied.

"The Magma Mission" by cruthmac
Max had always felt a little different from the rest of his siblings. Not very useful, even. He wasn't super smart like Six, magical like Patches, or extremely kind like Winter. He was just boring old him. At least, he was, until he discovered his true calling. Max could clearly remember the first time he visited Moltara. Discovering the Moltarans’ way of life and their skills with tinkering had awoken something in him, and he had finally found a hobby that he loved and was good at. Max had practiced for a while, and then he had taken the family toaster apart, which his owner hadn't been too thrilled about. However, she forgave him after he put it back together and modified it so that it played music while you were waiting for your toast. Tinkering with things was fun, but Max wanted the Moltaran look to match. He was drawn to the Magma Pool, with its fiery glow and mysterious power. The Xweetok had started to hate his blue and white Cloud colouring. It matched his homeland of Terror Mountain nicely, but the colour just wasn't him. The problem was, getting into the pool had proved to be nearly impossible. Max had, of course, tried to get past the guard on many occasions. His attempts were always met with increasingly angrier claims that he wasn't well-versed in the ways of Moltara. He was starting to be convinced that this guy just wouldn't let anyone in, even someone who had lived in Moltara their whole life.

"Identity Crisis" by debbie1188
Smaug struggled to keep up with Lichen. How did she know these corridors so well? Ixi had told him in the past that Lichen had spent practically her whole childhood travelling Neopia, never stopping in one place long enough to settle in properly. And though the Space Station had always been one of her favourite destinations, she had certainly never taken any of her pets past the designated tourist decks before. Smaug halted. His belly scales were sore and his head was becoming a little cloudy from the continued exertion. "Lichen –" he said, breathless. Lichen turned back towards him, looking concerned. "Are you okay? Do you need me to carry you?" "Just. Need. A minute," he gasped. She crouched down next to her Hissi, giving his head a sympathetic pat. "Look, I'll just carry you." Was it his imagination or did she sound scared? No, he must be imagining it. Her smile was wide, albeit tight. "It's no bother. And I can put you down again when you're feeling better, okay?" "Okay," he said, smiling at his owner as she picked him up. He didn't like to be an inconvenience, but this was probably the most sensible option – especially since Lichen seemed in such a hurry. He wondered though, what wasn't she telling him? The last time she surprised him was with a camouflage paint brush, in lieu of a spotted one, she said. It had taken him a while to get used the brown of his wings, the dappled markings on his scales, but his older siblings had been wowed.

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Six Faerietastic Outfit Ideas
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Recipe of the Week: 8th Birthday Rainbow Cupcake
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