Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,445,060 Issue: 767 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

“We learned that everyone makes mistakes, that you shouldn’t let your past faults be your present, that you can learn from your mistakes, move forward as a better being, find the balance between modesty and confidence,” Cree said.

Zafara Double Agent

We need to know exactly who the Zafara Double Agent is. Let's start with what we do know for sure. This cunning master spy first surfaced 13 years ago, on the 6th day of Awakening. Since that day she has gained so much fame and adoration from Neopets far and wide. She has plushies in her honor that reward avatars, trading cards, collectable cards, even an Usuki was designed to resemble her.

Beating Nigel

The slowest way to the greatest riches in Neopia can be found in the stock market. By investing your hard-earned Neopoints into the NeoDAQ, you too can make a pretty penny in just 5-10 years time! The NeoDAQ Stock Market has existed since the earliest days of Neopia, and today we're going to delve in deep. First, I'll be giving you my guide full of tips that'll help you out-sell the most notorious stockbroking Chia there is, Nigel.

How Illusen Celebrates Jhudora Day

Jhudora Day. Fourth day of the month of Awakening. Dark purple. Dark green. Evil cackle. Just pure, pure evil. Illusen murmurs this to herself every day when she isn't working on giving Neopians her daily quests. Illusen day is coming up in a few months, which is why she is so happy, making sure everything is up to her standards. Silly petpets brought out the wrong tomatos last year. Everyone loves organic, I'm the Earth Faerie for pete's sake! Illusen laughs a little while she sits in her glade, all merry.

Other Stories
"I Wanna Be MSP" by lily_death
Varicose shook his head. "Thanks," he said, "But no thanks. Close enough just isn't the same. The red eyes see better in the dark! MSPs are on a rare TCG and are highly valuable. So special! There's also the wicked sharp teeth I can chew better with. But let's not forget, the plushie Poogle is just a little...ahem...bald. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just...not me. I can't throw out my brush just because I can't be a MSP." The Lab Ray Scientist appeared behind us, ready to close the double doors. "Almost closing time," he said, before laughing manically. I gave Varicose a pleading glance. He sighed, "Fine. I'll go." Varicose climbed on the steel platform and waited. Meanwhile, the Lab Ray Scientist's Cackles grew louder and more maddening by the second. The hum of the laser increased, electricity snapped and popped, and a bolt of lightning flashed. The lights went out and I couldn't see Varicose. The Lab Ray Scientist's voice came over the loudspeaker, "The ray is fired and Varicose and..." My heart stood on the head of a pin. "He doesn't change at all!" I sighed as Varicose let out a cry of disappointment. "Come back tomorrow and try again."

"Nonlinear Companions" by _starryeyedsurprise_
A shiver ran down my spine. This place. I just wanted to go home. Why would anyone ever want to come here? I decided to head back to the tavern and hide out in my room until Westron returned. The streets were starting to get a bit busier, and since Westron wasn’t around, I decided to fly back. I took to the air and felt the breeze in my face. Up here wasn’t so bad. I could see the Neopets below me going about their daily business and it was easy to spot the tavern, the courtyard on one side and the big rock on the other. I wondered what the rock was, and decided to have a quick look before returning to the tavern. As I slowly circled the rock, I allowed my mind to drift. I found myself wondering, what could possibly have caused Westron to have become so sullen and so detached from his usual personality. I racked my brain for a reason. Had I done something to upset him? I couldn't work it out. Suddenly I snapped back to reality, I'd flown a bit low and the tip of the rock had grazed my foot. As I looked down to see just how low I had been flying, I noticed a small crevice within the rock. Curious, I flew over to it.

"Welcome to White River" by hzoo_26
From its northern border, the mountains ran west all the way to the south of the country, and beyond them the frigid sea oft containing chunks of ice broken off from the glaciers of Terror Mountain, far to the north. In the central areas, the taiga, dense and thick forest full of wild creatures and rich earth. To the east, grassy steppes that provided the only viable way out of the harsh land. As to the history, even the most distinguished scholars of Neopia had no exact idea. Some suggested that a band of sailors, originally hailing from one of the clannish islands near Meridell settled in the region, bringing with them their rough language, their long wooden boats, and their love of battle, intermingling with the native population. Others suggested that the natives were descendants of the first nomads from Shenkuu. But regardless of where they came from, the people of Ursus were said to be as tough as the land that made them. Comprising of fishermen, soldiers, hunters, nomads, woodsmen, and craftsmen. All considered as cold and harsh as the winters they spent drinking Kadvo, the Ursian grog, by the firelight. They did not often leave their motherland. She was one of the few..

Come See All The Wonders of Kiko Lake

This week's issue is brought to you by: Glass Bottom Boat Tours
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