Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 194,351,425 Issue: 761 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y18
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Perhaps Dad was right. She’d gone chasing after a wild dream and would regret it. But something in her refused to give up. Nan felt she would regret it even more if she’d sat at home, resigning herself to whatever life threw at her, instead of fighting for good things, for herself and for the village.

Your Favorite Species

Have you ever wondered if there's a special reason why you can't get enough of a certain pet species? Or if there's a hidden method for your madness? Our favorite things are often a representation of ourselves and our personality. Find out what your favorite Neopet species is saying about you!

Borovan for Beginners

Your average Neopian might know that mixing asparagus and hot chocolate at the Cooking Pot yields Borovan, but there’s so much more to this tasty beverage!

2016 Item Trends

2016 is drawing to a close, which means that it’s time for us to look back on the year that was...and what better way to do that than through the medium of MATERIAL GOODS! So in this two-part series, let’s talk about the Neopoint items that were particularly in vogue this year. (And to those of you left your Christmas shopping until the last minute and are now panicking wondering what to get your neofriends - you’re welcome!)

Other Stories
"Heroes" by iswimmings
The storm is approaching. It is wild, reckless, paying no regard to the world it ravages. Ripping the shingles from the roofs of shops, and flooding the muddy pathways out to the square. It makes its way towards the homes and the village where they hide. It roars at them, bellows its defiance and rage to innocent ears. It doesn't care what it has to ruin before they are in its clutches. It yearns to punish the villagers, and to make them feel its indescribable pain. She is holding her baby in her arms, the black cloak falling around her lithe figure and her soft white fur. The Usul smiles, as he gurgles and laughs unintelligibly at her. He is oblivious to the noise, to the wreckage and the danger. His green eyes are bright with their newness--he was born only five weeks ago. Freak accidents happen--the mother knows that. But she also knows that she has to keep her baby safe, so he might have a better life than one cut short in the mouth of a howling hurricane.

"Organic Mystery" by paisleymw
He sat in silence, scrolling through the practice problems. After attempting to work out a problem and getting it repeatedly wrong, he would look at the correct answer, only to think, “Oh, that’s right.” He would believe that he understood how that reaction, process, or whatever worked. Obviously he had the ability to simply glance at a problem and understand the deeper functions and mechanics of such a complex problem. No need to study anymore, right? On to the next problem. A mind and memory of a miracle. A true genius that would move on from college and have a sudden breakthrough that would change the world. After receiving millions of Neopoints, gifts, gratitude, and all the likes, he would retire to his home and live comfortably. His parents would live a life of luxury, as well, with stipends that would ensure their quality of life. Everything would be picturesque and perfect. But that’s not exactly how that story will go. Mason can’t simply glance at a problem and understand the deeper functions and mechanics

"Transformations in Time" by butteredwings
Reaching out, she plucked the Glyme off the leaf and cringed as it squirmed in her hand, the slime dribbling down her paw. Shuddering, she flicked the Glyme off, and it landed onto the pavement with a silent thud. There, it lay wriggling violently, its hairy green body thrashing from side to side in a vain attempt to find the leaf once more. “You’re so ugly…” she whispered under her breath. Standing up, she lifted her foot and prepared to crush the helpless creature that dared invade her sister's beloved plant. “Callie, wait!” a voice caused her to freeze, her foot hovering mere inches above the Glyme. “Holly?” she called out in surprise, as the pink Kacheek came running out of the house. “Leave it alone, Cal,” she said gently, easing the spotted Kacheek away from Glyme. “Live and let live; it’s not done anything wrong!” “But…it was eating your plant!” she protested, pointing at the plant. Where the Glyme had eaten away the leaves and flowers, sunlight filtered glaringly through the large jagged holes. “It’s your favourite plant…and look how it has ruined it! How can you say that ugly little creature didn't do anything wrong?"

Where the Celebrating Never Stops

This week's issue is brought to you by: Winter Starlight Celebration
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Great stories!


Head in the Clouds: The Perfect Petpet Pt. 6
Watch your tone, kid.

by yoshisislandbandit


A Guide to Snow Wars II: Icy Snow Way Out
The Snow Beasts are coming, armed with their catapults and Lupe friends, and they're after your snowmen. What do you do? Declare the beginning of the Snow Wars, of course!

by faeriequeenoffire


Neopet suggestions that make you go o_O
Maybe you should be studying intelligence instead...

Also by yellowsugardog

by mzkimmi


The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part Eleven
Maikya soared through the frigid sky, dodging the Ice Draik at every turn. Whatever she lacked in size and physical strength, she made up for in speed and skill. She zapped the Ice Draik’s foot and it snarled at her, aiming to bite her wing, but she flew out of the way just in time.

by hybatsu


5 Neopian Holiday Destinations
It is nice to treat others these holidays, but… have you thought how you’re going to treat yourself this Christmas yet? If you’re thinking about going on vacation, that’s a really nice idea! I’ve traveled all around Neopia, discovering wonderful places to stay in every trip, and I’m here with some advice for you, if you don’t know where to go on your vacation!

by rickrelics

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