Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,453,319 Issue: 691 | 24th day of Swimming, Y17
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

“It was not my fault!” he snarled. “If you had actually paid attention to what was goin’ on, it’s pretty obvious that I’m powerless in the crew. Why would they listen to a thing I, the ship’s gunner, have to say? And why would I waste my time pestering those arrogant buffoons who think height and treasure and rank are everything? I couldn’t do a thing!”

Top Ten Summer Reads

As the summer draws on, what better way to spend a day in the sun than at the beach all curled up on the sand with your favorite book? Lucky for you, Neopia has a wide assortment of perfect books that are perfect for getting you in the summer mood. If you’re just itching for something new to read, then these ten summer books are perfect for the season!

Is Fyora a Dark Faerie?

Sure, we all love Queen Fyora. She’s the gracious ruler of Faerieland. She oversees the Faerie Quests that help us pets gain levels and get painted rare colors. She keeps Faerieland running at its prime. But how much do we really know about the Faerie Queen? My name is Creamy_Lemon_Pie and I am here to reveal the TRUTH about Queen Fyora.

The Definitive Snowglobe Guide

Are you tired of wondering about snowglobes? Tired of everyone laughing at you at parties because you don’t know anything about snowglobes? Well, I can fix that! You already bought this book, so you must want to know more… There are many snowglobes that exist. Some are cheap, some cost millions upon millions… After finishing this book, you’ll know about all of them. Are you ready? Good!

Other Stories
"A Stealthy Shoyru's Mission" by sassyxsandra
Deep within the mountains of Shenkuu, a tiny temple rested carved into the side of one of the highest peaks. The chipped gray paint of the walls and the torn red banner that waved aimlessly gave the impression that this particular temple was most likely abandoned long ago. However, to think that this tiny building nestled deep within the mountain was devoid of any company was incorrect. .

"Story of the Hidden Tower" by x_mystichorse_x
"Why nanny, if the tower is so grand and beholds the beautiful queen, should it be hidden at all?” Asked the tired little royal kougra as she held onto the silk sheets. “Well,” she started stroking Mila’s fur, “the tower is grand, and it is beautiful, but if it was not hidden Mila, thieves like Dr. Sloth, Meuka or the Jelly Chia could put their hands on the tower’s precious items and do whatever they would like with them.”

"A Trip to the Tomb" by aprildewdrops
It was a cold summer night, all the people on Mystery Island had gone to bed. There were but two people awake on the island, an old Nimmo keeping an eye on the Rock Pool, and the Island Mystic. Or so they thought. As the rain gently poured down on sleeping island a silent figure rode ashore and docked his boat. He was covered in black clothes and a hood, leaving himself unrecognizable to anyone who saw it.


This week's issue is brought to you by: Ultimate Bulls Eye II
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