The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 192,191,925 Issue: 635 | 7th day of Running, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Always try to be humble, or you might embarrass yourself!

Should Be Wearables

Have you ever come upon a nice item and thought, "I can't wait for my pet to wear this!" ...only to find out that it is not a wearable at all? There are plenty of nice clothing items, weapons, and make-up that would make lovely items to dress up our pets with, but unfortunately have not made wearable status yet...

Gallery of Heroes

They all provide a symbol of what they have done to make Neopia a safer place. However, there are others whose praises of heroism remain unsung, and still lack proper acknowledgement of their deeds done for the sake of Neopia. So I will be talking about five very heroic Neopians who deserve their spot...

Lost Desert In A Nutshell

Each Neopian land has such a unique culture, with special food, history, and fun activities that set it apart from the others. Today, we'll be exploring the wonderful land of the Lost Desert, filled with rich lore and beautiful buildings. Let's start by learning some history! The Lost Desert was discovered by Brucey B...

Other Stories
"Unexpected Beauty" by bruises
"Why does it always snow!" growled Perrin the Lupe. He was sitting in a snug cottage that overlooked Happy Valley. His teeth chattered as he tugged a warm blanket closer about him. Sighing, a chocolate Blumaroo placed a steaming mug of tea on the table in front of him. She sat in the chair next to his and said absently, "I know it's a change from Meridell, but give it a chance..."

"Celebrating Gelert Day Together" by stararan
"It's today! It's today! It's today! It's today!" Tienee, The Baby Chomby, shouted as he jumped excitedly onto the bed of his friend, Enargee the Baby Gelert, waking him up in the process. The two had arranged two sleep-over parties, one on the occasion of Gelert Day, the second on Chomby Day. Today was the former. The two of them would spend...

"A Tale of Rohane" by spirit_wolf589
The babies, at the moment, weren't doing anything spectacular. They were giggling and fighting and playing with the toys that were now scattered all over the living room. It wasn't until Meneus, the Blumaroo, got bored that he rallied together his friends to suggest a new game to play. "Hey, guys, shush a moment! This is boring, and I've got an idea! We should reenact the story of Rohane!"

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Agent of the Sway: Restoration - Part Six
"You mentioned a seeress, Isca, wasn't it?" Hopesmeade asked.

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The Adventure
Honar was born with a unique power - the ability to see into the future.

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The Shoyru and the Magma Pool
"I've read every book I can find about Moltara," Nerc said unhappily. "I don't know what else the Moltara guard expects me to find out."

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Awaking the Great Turmaculus: Part One
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The REAL Key Quest
"Come on, Poonga, the water will be fine. Stop being a chicken!" Chicka said matter-of-factly.

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