A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 191,502,891 Issue: 608 | 16th day of Hiding, Y15
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Nine-hundred-ninety-thousand," she'd say. "I don't want that to go to waste..."

We ate the apple, and ate the apple, and ate the apple. We didn't want to disappoint her. But we stopped being happy about it.

Stocking Your Shop Easily

If there is one thing that I learned from all my attempts it's that you don't need a lot of effort or even a lot of money to run a successful and profitable shop. If restocking and sniping don't seem like options for you, have no fear! There are plenty of ways to keep your shop stocked and bringing in the neopoints, and I'm going to show you...

Arts-tastic Customisation

In this article, I'm going to list the top twelve items (with some double listing) I personally love and found fit the best for a reading, writing, and artistic personality and can showcase that love in a cute and interesting outfit. These items aren't always the easiest items to work with, but whoever said that customisation was easy? However, do note...

Usuki Style

With the approaching arrival of the Annual Usuki Doll Convention, it is important for Usuki fans to know how they will style themselves for this year's Usukicon. Whether a veteran fan or a newcomer, every Usuki fan wants to look as stylish and beautiful as their favorite dolls...

Other Stories
"Diamigo's Noble Steed" by almedha
I turned to look down the road and saw a lone figure riding closer. Let me tell you... I couldn't believe it. I'd heard stories of the famed Diamigo. But never seen him. Never thought he existed. The Bika he rode—granted with fur a little thick for living in the desert—had a wild look in his eye and seemed to grip the sandy road in his toes for the express purpose of kicking up a cloud of dust behind him as he ran...

"A Treatise of Departures" by antique_bird
To begin, you never cared for company. Pretentious socialites in the face of existence, you always said. You maintain that you don't have time for friends. Perhaps you meant it at the time. Perhaps you knew, preemptively, that she would leave you, and that you would forget, just for a while, so you wouldn't have to acknowledge the heavy, hollow feeling in your heart. (Of course...)

"Make a Wish" by alex9292
The Wishing Well sat atop a grassy hill in Neopia Central. A dusty path, which over the years had been worn by thousands of stampeding feet, ran from the well all the way back to the plaza. On this day, as any other, the path was full of Neopians who had come in their droves to make a pledge to the well. Bustling to and fro were pets of all shapes and sizes rehearsing their wishes and crossing their fingers, claws...

Instruments For Everyone

This week's issue is brought to you by: Neopian Music Shop
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Great stories!


Boons Are Great
...For a little while...

by ghostie_of_the_fc


Love is Blind

by alex9292


Feeling Lucky?
You've got to find the games you're already good at and practice them again and again until you can achieve a high score and even then you've got to hope no one (or very few people) get better than you... Or you can rely on luck.

by usukii


Yooyu Blues
I can't believe it!

Idea by christinehmackay

by lastavenger


Heroes of the Habitarium: Part Three
The hand that she had reached out with had been pale blue, unlike anything he had ever seen on a petpetpet before. In fact, he only knew of one thing that had such coloration...

by blue_thunder94

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