Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 191,224,933 Issue: 600 | 21st day of Relaxing, Y15
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

In keeping with standard safety protocol, please always be sure to equip your walls of texts with doors.

Events That Changed Neopia

As we congratulate the Neopian Times on their 600th issue, please join us on a trip down Memory Lane. Needless to say, a lot has changed since Neopets saw the light of day on November 5, 1999. We love hearing stories about the good ol' days, and was curious to hear what some long-time players think about some of the most significant events...

Seasonal Foods of Neopia: Fruit

What is better than biting into a ripe, juicy fruit that's full of flavor? If you purchase fruits when they are in season, you'll get an even better taste! Fruits that can be grown and harvested locally in Neopia Central always have more flavor and nutrients than fruits that had to be frozen or packed and shipped from another part of Neopia...

Dodgy Dinners

They are performing sinister acts involving innocent Edible Petpets! Not the cute, chocolaty chaps that the Petpet Lab Ray serves up from time to time though. Oh no, these are regular Petpets (and in some cases, their Petpetpets as well) that are simply being served up – as meals. That is right – meals!

Other Stories
"Chiaroscuro" by geniusbulb
Moltara has a shop that sells nothing but fantastic lights. Wonderful lamps. Extraordinary lanterns! But nothing I can afford. I'm a de-tinkerer; I make my living taking things apart, separating the small parts and sorting them into piles. I think I'm rather good at this...

"A Trip to (T)error Mountain" by kmc244
"Oh dear!" cried Clover as she ran over to collect the pieces. "That was my favourite snowglobe." Bluebell thumped her tail and looked pointedly at Clover. "Of course," Clover said. "I'm sure Donny would be able to fix this. Let's take a trip to Terror Mountain!"

"The Lottery" by nocturnal_ned
Sadly, not everyone can win the lottery. In fact, not everyone can even afford a ticket to play the lottery. Moerio the yellow Moehog is one pet that understood that better than any other. A quiet Moehog, he often expressed his thoughts better on paper than out loud...

Who Will Win?

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Altador Cup
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Great stories!


The Mysterious Case of the Missing Skeith: Part Nine
Sylvette finally spoke. "Yes, we're the Cyvishams. And I'll never, never, never forgive you for... f-for what you've done to my poor brother!"

Also by fuliguline

by creambiskit


Sharp Strokes
Wait... how did Dehse get into Darigan's locker room anyway?

by luciantheblaze


Symphonically Clean
Knock knock knock. "Oh, I'm coming," she grumbled, pushing herself up from the floor and brushing stray feathers from her apron.

by teaspill


What Type of Altador Cup Player Are You?
There are plenty of different people that enjoy and participate in the Altador Cup, from the newbies nervously playing their first games of Yooyuball to the dedicated, hardcore players aspiring to that elusive All Star rank...

by river_valley37


The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part Four
Chaos; it was absolute chaos. As soon as the Scorchio had said the word "bake" there was a mad dash to the back of the room, where the fridges were located.

by meganhilty

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