Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 189,271,873 Issue: 551 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

If she didn't try, then she couldn't fail.

Cryptic & Elusive

The story took place a long time ago, and in the end the whole town was freed. Everyone's happy, right? WRONG. Did the story mention anything about Mr. Krawley being trapped by the Defenders of Neopia for eternity? Did the story mention that he ended up being chased away by evil ghost Meepits? Did the story mention that the angry mob was able to catch him and lock him up for the rest of his pitiful life? No, it certainly didn't! On the contrary...

The Grundo Guide

I'm the proud parent of five Grundos so far, probably more to come. Since I can't adopt every Grundo in Neopia by myself, I want to share some things I've learned about Grundos to help show others what great pets they are. If you're considering a new pet, this could show you why to pick a Grundo and which color to pick. If you already own a Grundo, maybe this can shed a little light on some of the funny, special things your Grundo...

"Must Have" Shoes

I honestly don't have four of any particular shoe in my closet, but I do have several favorites that I love to use in pretty much every outfit I create for my pets. It's because of this I've come up with my list of the top ten "must-have" shoes that everyone should own for their closets. Of course, this is excluding any species-specific or paintbrush related shoes, and is all based on my own opinions. For those reasons here, many of the shoes...

Other Stories
"Ilere of the Woods" by epiic_spork
Mara dismisses his comment with a wave. "Whatever. She's still a legend and we're never going to find her. I mean, come on, a dark earth faerie? There's no such thing." Kell lowers himself to the ground and turns to face his companion. "Obviously..."

"Letters, Snorkles, Slander" by hermione_890_neo
Dear Kinley, I know that during our latest encounter I told you—in a somewhat roundabout way—that you were an idiotic, filthy liar, and I am writing this letter solely to inform you that I feel nothing but the deepest regrets for these words...

"To Watch The Altador Cup" by gigglygiggle
"You know how much it'd cost to go there?!" she wailed, slamming her paw on the wooden table. "I wouldn't even dream of going there myself, let alone you!" Gavellus was always like that. Thrift, meticulous and money-minded, she was truly the main financer...

Only YOU Can Prevent Crime

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Defenders of Neopia
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