Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,147,882 Issue: 531 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

This is a public service announcement, brought to you by a concerned citizen.

Celebrate Jhudora Day

Once you've set yourself up to show Neopia your Jhudora pride, it's only in the spirit of the holiday that you dress your pet up as well! I highly suggest you use a Darigan pet for any of this "Jhudora-fied" customization. Whatever you do, don't use a goody two shoes faerie or woodland pet! Not only will the customization clash, but if Jhudora happens to see your woodland/faerie pet sporting her gear, she might jump to conclusions and think that you're trying to mock her and... well... you do not want to get on Jhudora's bad side...

A Jhudora Day Special

One particularly snarky dark faerie, Jhudora has found a huge audience of Neopians in her most famous trait--giving out strenuous quests in exchange for a trinket of her own. In fact, this seems to be her only trait--Jhudora doesn't go around in a spaceship, doesn't fly around turning pets into random colors, doesn't wander around aimlessly healing pets' max hit points. But while no one knows what she is doing with all those Simple Red Side Tables, most suspect that she is up to no good. And for good reason as well!

Getting Published in the NT

Back when I was a newbie to Neopets, there was always one thing I dreamed of, getting published in the NT. Now for an eleven year old girl, that was nothing more than a dream for me. Only excellent writers got published in the NT. But with the help of a mentor, I managed to write an article for the NT that finally got published when I was fifteen. Since then I've been published several times, four on this account alone. And I thought I could give back by writing my own guide on how to write for and get...

Other Stories
"Ghost Trouble" by hellehond
Let's face it, she should just have been more observant... Helle blinked as the shiny coins she had been holding were whisked away by a translucent hand and looked up where she met the two dark wisps of eyes filled with malicious mirth belonging to the ghost that had just robbed her...

"The Infamous Shadow Usul" by deniscodisco
She looked around the empty museum and silently made her way to the middle where the Spirit Bottle sat perched on a red velvet pillow. The museum's security was good but not good enough. She threw Exploding Powder in front of her. Red lines appeared and then disintegrated...

"The Undecided Faerie" by boscoemax
Jhudora suddenly told her that she should become a dark faerie. "But why?" she asked. Jhudora smirked. "I was testing you, my dear. I have heard you are unsure of what faerie type to become. So of course when you came here, I gave you a quest to see how fit you were to..."

Poisoned By Jhudora? You're Not Alone

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Pharmacy
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