Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 186,301,688 Issue: 505 | 29th day of Swimming, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Celebrating your team's victories is perfectly fine, but please do not celebrate by blowing things up, turning others into Mortogs, sending hordes of rabid Petpets running through the streets, or other harmful activities--do I make myself clear, Jhudora?

Rukis and Popularity

Rukis appeared in Neopia almost six years ago, yet are one of the least popular species that can easily be adopted as a pet. In this article, Zohh and I sought to explore this unanswered mystery. In our quest we decided to call upon a long-time friend and Ruki, Katorlo, to ask her directly why she thinks her species is so unpopular and the effects that this has on them. We could think of no better ambassador for the species than one who had been born and always lived as a Ruki, and had furthermore travelled significantly in her life, meeting many other Rukis across Neopia.

Fierce Peophins?

What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives? The pressing question has plagued Neopia since the avatar it produces appeared. Many answers have surfaced over the years and efforts have been made to extract the answer. Most pass through daily life only asking this question with a random answer in order to get an elusive avatar. However, an elite few have taken it upon themselves to find the truth. I, as a journalist and a dedicated researcher, went undercover (sometimes quite literally), and dug deep to get at the stories revolving around this...

Dressing for Meridell

What will YOU do to celebrate the Discovery of Meridell? Will you go play some Ultimate Bullseye II? Count some potatoes, rummage in the dump? Perhaps go on a quest for Illusen? Perhaps you'll go through the old logs of the epic battles Meridell fault in their two wars with Darigan, or try to cheer up poor King Skarl with a joke. Whatever you decide to do, you'll need the perfect outfit – and that's where we come in! Fuz (sinistrous) and I have worked hard to compile the perfect list of wearables...

Other Stories
"Meridell's Faerie" by roboticc
It bothered King Hagan that his brother had one thing that was undeniably a good attraction: a Faerie. Even his own enlightened citizens went over to Meridell to go to Illusen's Glade. There was no denying the appeal of having kindly old Illusen tucked away in the corner of your land. He did not resent the Earth Faerie...

"A Voice from the Pound" by roxy1042
I really, really miss you! Things here in the pound are still not the same without you. Food is still mushy. Pets are still annoying. And the cage cells are really cold, too. Brrr! I wish, I just wish I can see your face again. You are my best friend ever! Oh, and by the way, how is your new family? Are they lame and smelly?

"The Stranger" by waz555
Forcing the stiff door open, he heard a second of merriness and laughter before it died down. There were tables and chairs strewn around the shop, and every seat was filled. Every paw or hand held a pastry, but no one took a bite as the stranger entered. He strolled casually towards the counter, his feet never...

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"Right this way, Miss Frostgleam," Bernard said cordially, ushering Frostgleam through yet another highly polished set of sliding double doors.

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