Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 185,422,742 Issue: 497 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I have a vehicle for these occasions.

Queen Fyora

As I walk along the streets of Faerie City, the air is alive with joy and hope. The buildings have all been rebuilt--and not just hastily put back together. No, the entire city has been remodelled to a point where it is actually more beautiful than it was before it fell from the sky. Everything is better than ever in Faerie City, and it couldn't have been so without the support and leadership of the Faerie Queen...

Fyora Day Activities

Flowers blossoming and weather warming, it's that time of year again - Fyora Day! The Faerie Queen does so much for us Neopians and finally it's the day she gets repaid for all her hard work throughout the long winter months! So how best to celebrate her long and fruitful rule? 1. Dress up as a faerie. What better day is there in the whole year to dress up as a faerie for a few hours?

Pretty Fly for a Pink Guy

With the help of this article, it is our hope that Quiggles will never go hungry! (DISCLAIMER: We sincerely apologize to the insect community.) We realize that a majority of Neopians may have other morsels in mind when thinking of the phrase 'fast food,' but before you let apathy get the better of you, let us show you why this information may be helpful to you, by introducing a game called Flycatcher!

Other Stories
"The Making of a Star: Mirsha Grelinek" by alex313
Mirsha joined in the game with the boys. Despite the fact that they could walk and little Mirsha could only toddle, she succeeded in maneuvering the ball away from them and scoring several more times. All of the children seemed to be enjoying the game, but Mirsha most of all. The Gnorbu's vivid purple eyes shone with excitement...

"Loyalty and Yooyus" by sunshinechelle
The transition from spring to summer was nearly complete. Illiley was in the most beautiful place, at the most beautiful time of year, and it depressed her. Late spring and early summer did not make Illiley think of lush vegetation, warm ocean waves, picnics, or anything else that Illiley's family cared about. Illiley thought only of one game: yooyuball...

"The Last Days of the Citadel" by phoenixs_angel
Darigan was touched by the loyalty of his old friend. He knew how much he had changed himself, but Narissa couldn't know this. Yet their friendship was enough to come up here, to him, at the moment he needed it most of all. "Go to sleep, my friend," the Darigan Ixi said. "Tomorrow, the world might look a little bit brighter..."

The Tournament Begins!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Altador Cup VI
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LOGS #2- Happy Fyora Day!
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