Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 181,914,072 Issue: 455 | 6th day of Hiding, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Kitten was a no nonsense kind of Skeith. His job guarding the National Neopian suited him perfectly. It was really quite simple: keep out the thieves. Kitten did have to admit that the task would have been much more difficult if the thieves didn't always wear their thieving outfits.

Your Neopet's Birthday

You're celebrating the birthday of your very first pet, time to have a great party! These days are special and should be memorable for both you and your Neopet... You created something that should look like a cake, bought a cake from a user shop, bought balloons and everything else for a party... You want it to be extra special; it's only once a year of course! But what if you're out of ideas? Well, this guide will try to help you out!

Jelly Rules, OK?

Aside from eating, there are plenty of other uses for a portion of jelly. Firstly, they make great random gifts for your neofriends (and their pets!) watch the smiles and 'thank you' neomails flood in when they are pleasantly surprised by the humble jelly. Remember--jelly counts for TWO meals, so pets can share, and jelly actually retails from 1-10 NP each, and dozens of jellies are purchased each day, so add a little cash value to...

Ten Fattiest Foods in Neopia

This list compiles creations of food that would make Health Frog scream. It would make the trainers at the Grundo's Gym cringe at their tables whilst reading their morning copy of the Neopian Times. Fat, grease and oil all play a role in these often luscious creations. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the top ten fattiest foods in Neopia (listed in no particular order)...

Other Stories
"Do I Know You?" by thediractor
My owner Darth walked into the kitchen. We'd gotten to be friends again right after that first day Dilly was here. It was like the whole transfer thing when I was really mad at her had never happened. "Ok, guys, time for Neoschool," Darth said happily – too happily. Something was up...

"The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge" by alex313
The faerie's name was Clarisse, and she was certainly no ordinary faerie. Clarisse and her three best friends were world-renowned heroes, having defeated a dark sorcerer only a month before. However, this was not the most extraordinary thing...

"A Misconception" by illumiinate
"I'VE HAD IT!" Rido, the blue Grundo, cringed—managing to duck before Dr. Sloth's arm could connect with his head. It was Thursday, signaling the weekly meeting in which his master was required to display his wicked plan towards destroying Neopia. All was going well, until the...

Rare Souvenirs, Great Prices!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Tiki Tack
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Great stories!


The Bereavement
The door opened; she tensed, dreading her mother. But it was only her brother, from whom she could be reasonably certain of a little careless sympathy...

by jokerhahaazzz


Neo Items #1 - Stormy Negg
Curiosity killed the... Gelert?

by jemima_kitty24


Squid on a Stick
"In Which Nachi Acquires a Tin Foil Hat"

by uccellina


No Honor Among Thieves
Galem leaned back. "You've been looking for a way to prove your worth to us..."

by solcana64


The Staring Competition
How mutants cheat in staring competitions.

by anhong_12

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