Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 179,088,154 Issue: 437 | 2nd day of Eating, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The Death Glare is a nuanced thing, with many subtle variations, and Jhudora had learned them all well. The version of the Glare she now used said something to the effect of "Go ahead. Mention the mustache. Make my day."

Sartorial Shoyrus

So we all know there is some truly spiffy clothing around that all Neopets can wear, but what about those special items that are just for your Shoyru? With a little (grudging) help from some of my Shoyru buddies, I'll give you a run down on the dashing threads you can...

Moustache Protection

The lucky few which are graced with this extraordinary bit of facial hair cannot help but draw attention to it, either by styling it into a particular fashion or growing it to an incredible size. Yet each one of them has one thing in common; they are proud of their beautiful moustache...

Sympathy for Balthazar

We all know him. Faeries fear him. Sometimes just uttering his name sends chills down one's spine: Balthazar. The cruel, feral Lupe that prowls the forests of Neopia, lurking around with a net and empty bottles in paw, waiting to capture any poor unsuspecting faerie that happens to flutter his way...

Other Stories
"Crooked Glasses" by ayame_23
He would often console himself with the thought, "At least my ears aren't crooked." Privately, Avram continued to find small satisfaction in this as they grew older and Nick continued to wear glasses that sat lopsided on his face, because Avram's own cowlick had never gone away either. Today, however, Nick's precariously angled glasses were not the center of his focus...

"Magic and Mustaches" by vanessa1357924680
"Mr. Leemer won't know what hit him," the yellow Aisha murmured, squeezing the end of a pipet so that a green droplet of Boiled Baggus dangled from the tip, threatening to fall into the grey concoction boiling in a test tube beneath him. "This will be the last time he tries to take over my company with his snazzy Neohomes 2.0!" With his last exclamation, the drop fell into the bubbling...

"Adventures in Facial Hair" by herdygerdy
The yellow Cybunny struggled, her delicate arms far too weak to break the bonds holding her in place. She could already feel the vibration in the ground as the stagecoach rattled closer. "Someone, please save me!" she screamed, still thrashing. Of course, she knew it was futile. There was only one person around for miles, and saving her was the last thing on his mind...

Put All Your Neggs In One Basket!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Neggery
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The Tashies
"With my gorgeous looks and beautiful, flowing moustache, it'll be easy."

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The Best Easter Negg
Sometimes the best Easter Neggs harbor the biggest surprises.

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Something *~Magical~* happens every time a Cybunny wishes you Happy Easter...

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Clashing Colours - Easter Edition
A Cool Negg is worth 450k on the Trading Post.

by ringb


A Mutant Easter
I understand it can be daunting to select gifts for mutant friends, so with Easter approaching, I thought I would share a list of appropriate items.

by mamasimios

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