A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 175,202,370 Issue: 369 | 21st day of Storing, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Nobody ever really knows who they are, I think, unless they go looking for themselves."

An Origami Petpet

Quite some time ago, The Neopets Team created the most brilliant petpet ever! That's right, we're talking about those Origami petpets you've been seeing all over Neopia. Very soon after they were released, these cute petpets quickly took the population by storm. If you're having trouble choosing that perfect petpet, look no further! Here are ten amazing reasons to choose the best petpets EVER... cardboard origami ones! You may scoff at the notion, but the truth is that these colorful, economical petpets are a joy to have in a neohome. Here are many amazing reasons why...

Super Hasee Bounce!

In this super edition of Hasee Bounce, Jimmi and Woogy have stepped it up and are going for bigger and better things – doughnutfruits AND balloons! I have written this guide as a huge fan of this game and after playing for hours and hours, I hope that my tips will help you improve your score, or maybe just help you have more fun while playing! I like to think of this game as a cross between pinball and, well, Hasee Bounce! The music is quite fun so if you need a little break from homework, or just want something fun to do, why not try out Super Hasee Bounce...

Play to Win. Play to the End.

The game itself is fun. While the ultimate goal of a game is to win, I don't play Key Quest purely for the shiny, gold keys. I play it because it's fun. I've laughed many times while playing, especially the games against my friends. To me, the prizes are just the icing on the cake. I've just spent some time having a great time, and I still get a prize. Seriously, how many games give prizes to the person who was the farthest from the goal?

Other Stories
"Kindred Spirits" by a_greenparrot
Was it for the best? Sophie groaned at the dilemma. When she looked out at the woods again, she saw a Wocky sneaky up to her house. "Go away!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. She grabbed her staff and fired rapidly at the intruder. The Wocky managed to escape unharmed. Sophie sighed and sat down again. "Maybe I am getting a little stressed," she observed...

"The Meepit Show Strides Forth" by spoonguardonline
Welcome to the Meepit Show. Today, we promise to bring you an afternoon full of entertainment, intelligent banter and good quiz questions, courtesy of yours truly, somebody who never keeps promises. On the show this week, we have an array of intelligent pets, scoured from all four corners of the globe, which was a feat in itself given the rotund nature of most globes...

"The Protectors" by sheyda_sheyda
He had gotten tips from a neopet from Happy Valley that the wilderness here was abundant with petpets. Obviously, that was not the case. He hadn't seen a single petpet all day, minus the stray Snicklebeast that chased him down for interrupting its sleep. The Aisha laughed to himself at how funny he must have looked, running and flailing his arms because of a little Snicklebeast. Oh goodness...

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Great stories!


Key Quest: A Lesson in Good Sportsmanship
Sometimes, in the midst of playing more than 10 games a day, trouncing opponent after opponent, we may forget that our opponents are people, not machines. So what exactly does that change?

by dragonoftheseas2


Fyora and Celandra: From Servanthood to Friendship - Part One
"How do they expect me to rule a country and clean the castle at the same time?" lamented Fyora.

by black_skull725


The Meepit Show Strides Forth
Welcome to the Meepit Show. Today, we promise to bring you an afternoon full of entertainment, intelligent banter and good quiz questions, courtesy of yours truly, somebody who never keeps promises.

by spoonguardonline


Black and Blue
Can't believe no one thought of this before!

by zuzi809


Samson, the Pirate Lupe: Lost Memories - Part Two
Samson ran up to the wheel to congratulate Lt. Darius for his victory, but the Lieutenant was nowhere to be seen.

by firedoomcaster

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