Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 177,384,924 Issue: 312 | 5th day of Collecting, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Well, my unfortunate peasant, I believe I have been quite lenient with you! I have listened to, considered, and replied to your foolish entreaty patiently, in person, and nevertheless, you disrespect me greatly with your pertinacity. I say, you have some nerve."

Neopian Economics

One of the most important things in Neopia is the neopoints. It is the currency of nearly every world, from the Haunted Woods to Altador to Faerieland. Even dubloons, which are used on Krawk Island, can be bought and sold for neopoints. But where do neopoints come from? How are they used? Where do...


Think about this: is it okay to steal from the Snowager because you can? Yes, you have the opportunity to do so every day, but perhaps TNT implemented that to see whether or not you'd be able to resist. You can't, of course, and so have convinced yourself that it's all right just because everyone else is doing it...

Gallery Basics

Blindly I just started putting items into the gallery, laboriously I worked out the HTML of a description, and finally I ended up with something that looked like a glorified safety deposit box. Er... that's no good. So I took an afternoon and worked a few things out. To my surprise and delight, making a decent gallery is not nearly as difficult as it may seem...

Other Stories
"The Dancer's Tale" by lizzex8
"You just want to start trouble," Jula replied, standing on her tip-toes and twirling in a circle. A leaf fell from above and landed on top of the yellow Techo's head and Jula laughed heartily as she plucked it from his top. "Just because Grenda is supposed to be a mean, old..."

"Travelers" by odel_chan
Dew-garnished fields stretched out below, each individual grass blade seeming to shine like an emerald under the newly-risen sun. The residents of the small cottages below were only just awakening from a peaceful slumber. The beekadoodles filled the air with their melodious chatter...

"New Research Reveals Hidden Dangers of Deserted Tomb" by serissa98
"The evidence is clear," Professor Harriman concluded, "that an anomaly in the space-time continuum exists around the deserted tomb. We also observed the effects were similar, although not as pronounced, in the vicinity of..."

Stop the Slop!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Mop 'N Bop
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The Chronicles of Knight III: End of Nightmare - Part Six
Any moment now, they knew, Dark shapes would rise on the horizon. There, Raatri noted with something bordering on sadness, would be...

by fierwym


Her Voice is Music
She always talked to her sister, even if she couldn't hear. She had never learned sign language, but her sister seemed to understand...

by imogenweasley


A Walk to Remember
Boing, boing, boing, slurp.

Also by edmarblecake

by x_seabee_x


Code Blue
Musings of a true 'genius'...

by shining_comet


7 Utilities For Your Brand-new Tin Foil Hat!
Are you serious??

by caioschleich

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