Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Invisible pets had the most extreme redraws.

Tournament Troubles

To the displeasure of everyone involved—players and fans alike—the opening match on Tuesday, the fifth of Relaxing, was delayed due to a missing slip of paperwork issued by the Petpet Protection League (PPL) that the Altador Cup Committee (ACC) had to sign to show that all Yooyus participating...

Dasher Soley Speaks

The team captain is "Dasher" Soley. Then playing goalkeeper we have Garven Hale. Left forward is Ealyn Hawkshanks. Right defender is Nitri Cassale, and left defender is Zayle Sufhaux. They all sport their red, black, and grey uniforms proudly. I recently had the honour of meeting this team, and...

Have a Blast in Snow Wars 2

Your first building round should be used to make your basic fort around your snowmen. Now, there is a technique to this. Don't take your time to position the snow perfectly; just keep clicking around the snowmen in a relatively big square. The pieces do not have to be perfectly placed so they are all pretty and neat. Don't waste time...

Other Stories
"The Color of Hope" by kirsche474
Speaking of pet types... it was time to go adopt her dream pet! She was about to walk out the door, but she stopped, her hand inches from the door handle. Was she really ready to go out there and make a first impression on a pet that would stay with her for all time?

"The Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise of the Bungee Jumping Blumaroo" by tambourine_chimp
The Blumaroo blinked profusely and looked around him as if for the first time. "I wondered why no one was gathered to watch me... thought they might have gone..."

"Cup Crazy" by funsunny
A blue Techo wearing a Darigan Citadel shirt was trying to jump the 10-foot fence that surrounded the stadium. "Five thousand neopoints for one seat," the Techo murmured to himself furiously. "No sir, this Techo won't pay that much!" He was halfway up the fence when he saw...

Totally Awesome and Completely

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Great stories!


The Travels of Mijjol Lightwielder: Part Two
The young Mynci softened his gaze. "Yes, I was," he answered quietly, "but I had to leave him. It is my dream to become an adventurer, Sword-master! Won't you recommend a good weapon for me?"

by yoyote


Invisible pets had the most extreme redraws. :O

by xiceangelzx


The New Player
The backstory of how Jair Tollet got to be on Roo Island's team...

by dgj377


The Dumb Only Seem to Get Dumber
Some people should never go into the advertising business.

by beachnut14


The Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise of the Bungee Jumping Blumaroo
"Face it, no one's excited about seeing the exact same thing time and time again..."

by tambourine_chimp

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