The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 141,450,161 Issue: 296 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Everyone knows that Kreludor would have won for sure this year, so, being the nice guys they are, they decided to stay home and give another team a chance.

Electric: For You?

Passing down the aisles of the Neopian Pound, you see something. A flash of blue? A second later, it's gone. Intrigued, you peer closer. Bending toward the cage, you see... you see... "WHOO HOO HOO!! GOT YOUR NOSE!!!" A fuzzy blue blur reaches out and grabs you violently by the conker. So this is your first introduction to the Electric Pet. Now you can't stop thinking about them and want one for your very own...

Shadowing Edna

TNT has released an awesome new game, entitled "Edna's Shadow". It has immediately become a hit, and Neopians everywhere are talking about it! This game features that spooky witch, Edna the Zafara. Living in the Haunted Woods all those years has certainly gotten to her and she now has a shadow following her around and helping her to collect ingredients for all her freaky potions. You play as Edna AND her shadow...

Visiting the Colosseum

If you are just a Yooyuball spectator, you may think that your job is a rather simple one. After all, you think that the players on the field have much more to worry about while you just sit on the sidelines. I'm afraid that you are mistaken, however. The fans are what make Yooyuball so enjoyable and lively. Use these tips to plan the perfect trip so you (and everyone else) will get the most out of the season...

Other Stories
"Another Day with Jhudora" by junglebook4
"Well, what's taking so long? It's not as if I'm asking you to go sing a lullaby to the Snowager! You petty little Neopets are so annoying sometimes." She shot another nasty look at me and stormed off, her wings buzzing in irritation. Used to the routine, I followed her through the purple fluffy tunnels of her lair...

"Garlic Pizza" by fiuodisit
Marko stepped into the neohome and looked around. He simply said, "Nice place you've got here." The two of them went to D.S.'s room and began playing games to while away the hours. After a while, they began to get bored of Kacheekers, Cellblock, and the Buzzer Game. Marko then had a good idea. "Let's tell horror stories!"

"Iron Heart" by chiyo_hoshi
Taking a quick glance back, she saw the climbing rock that had once again defeated her. It was the time of the school year when each student had to attempt to climb up and again Souma had failed the test. Holding back hot tears of frustration in her bright green eyes, the brown pet ran to the back of the crowd, more than ready to get out of the spotlight...

Spring for Bling

This week's issue is brought to you by: Stowaway Sting
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Grumpy Old Sea Dog
I HATE Neggs. I feel sick. :(

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The Art of Yooyus
I am talking about none other than the Seven Yooyus of the Altador Cup!

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Moral of the story: don't eat anything 100% ice.

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Calm Before the Storm
Xjordy looked down at the floor, blushing, feeling slightly ashamed. Scenette smiled, picked him up and carried him upstairs, the lights occasionally flickering as the storm viciously pounded the ground outside. They were safe inside their Neohome...

by scenette


The Locker Room
There are times when even "The Black Hole" should consider passing.

by keng200

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