Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"You have done a deed, a kind deed that you yourself might not know the magnitude of. But I shall know, and remember."

Celebrating Illusen

Today is Illusen Day, the one day a year set aside by Neopians across the globe to show their appreciation for this noble faerie. If you hadn’t realised yet, well, you must be half asleep or something. It is the day when the dark and evil retreat to the shadows, and the simple purity of goodness shines through! It is a day of hope, of celebration!

Games: Fun and Profit

There is a way to become good at games. Maybe not elite veteran good, but passable. You know, able to rack up a couple thousand here, an avatar there, definitely on the up train. So for all of you who have grumbled, cursed, screamed, and even cried out in frustration at your computer, here are a few ways to get rid of the frustration...

Feeling Lucky?

Always wanted to find that special 4 leaf clover, but don’t know how? Well, this time of the year is the best time to find that clover, because it multiplies your luck times ten! This article will teach you how to find that special 4 leaf clover, where, and even what to do with it! Mwahaha. Ok, uhm... *cough* Carry on, shall we? A 4 Leaf Clover is...

Other Stories
"Thanks, To and From Illusen" by star_29791
Dear Illusen, You don’t know me but I know you. Everyone in Neopia knows you. I’m just one lowly orange Shoyru. My name is Flash if you were wondering. I don’t know whether you receive a lot of fan mail or not and whether you reply or not. This, however, isn’t a fan letter...

"Chiopia" by driv3shaft
It was, in fact, MUCH more different than Katie expected. Lisa got up the next morning and got some Omelette ready for Katie. She went to wake Katie and was very shocked to see that Katie had now a yellowish tinge to her blue fur! "Katie!" exclaimed Lisa. "What happened? You're turning YELLOW!"

"Like a Sister to Me" by kindheartedfairy
Adamina slowly packed up her lunch and spell books. She knew her mother had a dislike for that Faerie and could easily guess that was a broad answer, but even she never knew why Illusen hated Jhudora. And that was what she wanted to know. Adamina absentmindedly left Illusen's Glade...

Pilfering: Profit or Peril?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Great Qasalan Caper
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Great stories!


The Kreludan Conspiracy: Part Four
"It sounds as if someone used a memory ray on you. Those are incredibly expensive though. I thought the only one in existence was at the space station..."

by azellica


The Myncis of the Beach
The only other pets on the beach were four Myncies playing volleyball. They were all different colors, though none of them were painted. Kara watched them from the shallow water...

by sorengylfietwilight


Cruel Life
Somewhere, high above Neopia...

by greennitro


Visit to the Snowager
Dedicated to the Snowager.

by sakurita86


The Beauty Within: Part Four
"Very well," Darigan said. "Go on now, don't bother me." Daria turned and walked away. Suddenly she heard a soft voice whisper something...

by queen_aingeal

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