Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 112,409,164 Issue: 224 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Looks more like a cannon than a lab ray. Are you sure that thing is safe?"

All About Wreathies

Until recently, very little has been known about these jolly wintery petpets known as Wreathies. But the ways of the Wreathy are not going to stay secret for much longer. The building you see behind me is indeed the rumored Wreathy plantation that houses over two hundred of the petpets...

Optimize Your Shop

The first step to optimizing your shop is to determine who you’ll be selling to. You’ll be getting a lot of customers, and while some are just looking for an item and will never see your shop again, others are looking for a particular type of item, or trying to complete a quest. Some are looking to add that special item...

Better Jubble Bubbling

In Neopia’s new game, Jubble Bubble, your job is to play Kelby and help aim his bubbles so his friends won’t splat on the ocean floor. The object is to position Kelby underneath the falling JubJub and create a bubble to soften his landing. Click the left mouse button and hold to adjust the distance that the bubble will travel...

Other Stories
"Today and Every Day" by neo_star_queen
In the morning, pale sunlight filled the room. It wasn't too hard for the beams to enter; the curtains were made of white cloth, after all. The light fell onto a lump in a bed, a pet burrowed under his blankets. 'Get up,' giggled the light...

"Earning Back Friendship" by animalnutz1993
I got out a book and started reading. Dayla got out a Shimmery Notebook and began sketching. I started to hum a song from M*YNCI. After a few minutes, I heard an irritated voice. "Stop it," muttered Dayla...

"A Broken Bond" by 42930
"Jhudora, hurry up, we're going to be late for school!" shouted an exasperated 10-year-old Illusen. "Jhudora!" And older sisters were supposed to be good role models, even if they were only older by five minutes...

Be Jolly (and Olly!)

This week's issue is brought to you by: Jolly Jugglers
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Helping your Jubble Bubble Troubles!
Do you have Jubble Bubble troubles? Hopefully this will help! In this guide, I will teach you tips that will help you score over 1000 consistently.

by jamintha


Already Ate It
Hey, that was mine!

by j_ja_l_2003


Scarblade's Past
The water sprayed the young Lupe with mist. His green fur whipped around in the wind. He sniffed the salty breeze of the ocean, and a smile appeared on his face...

by gamegirllupelover


You'll catch your Death of cold that way!

by ghostkomorichu


Jhudora & Illusen: WHATEVER!
Never ask your arch enemy for her opinion.

by spock_luvr

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