Meow Circulation: 155,374,198 Issue: 220 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

A shortcut, of course, is always the longest distance between two points.

Xweetok Conspiracy?

The Xweetok, Neopia’s newest inhabitant. At first it may seem harmless; you want to pick it up and cuddle it. Of course it is the cutest little rodent that you have ever laid eyes upon, but something seems wrong with it. Its eyes are twitching, following all the inhabitants of the room like a hawk...

Sophie: Swamp Witch

She spends a ton of time preparing brews and she doesn’t even get help from the rest of Neopia. That’s right: this potion-making witch doesn’t hand out quests that ask for unbuyable items and give 5k rewards. How she manages to keep up her stock of ingredients, no one knows, especially considering...

Disgruntled? Revenge!

Whack-A-Staff-Member. It features people popping up in cubicles only to be given a sound whack over the head and sent back to work dizzily. What you’re about to delve into is a guide that has developed as the result of many hours of frustration taken out on poor pixel caricatures of certain staff members...

Other Stories
"LUPE-X9" by dan4884
My first Grundo recruit is a great story. It's stored in my memory banks. I can call it up at any time. ACCESSING MEMORY BANKS. Ah, here it is. PLAYING MEMORY. I stepped out of the rocket transporting us to Kreludor and looked...

"A Thief's Promise" by summerlove77
Masila let out a long, low sigh. "Forgive me," she murmured, silently reminding herself that she needed to be pleasant - for now. "It's been a hard trek up the mountain, and the high altitude can make me short tempered."

"About Sunburn" by child_dragon
There are certain things in life that you simply don't do. Getting trapped in Sakhmet City when a rather pushy Kyrii blasts it into another dimension and unleashes his undead minions onto its populace is one of those things...

Caution: Faerie Sharp

This week's issue is brought to you by: Faerie Weapon Shop
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Great stories!


Squirrilia's Pages: Email Issues
But I DID remember!

by accasperberry3


Starry Stuff
Show and tell!!!

by marilltachiquin


About Sunburn
"Alright, alright!" I finally howled, "We'll go to Sakhmet."

by child_dragon


The Buzzer Game - BUZZ!
This guide should give you the basics and all that other stuff for you to become the buzzer game champ!

by littlej001


Seamstress Cybunny: Part One
Colleen liked to clean only her room, and Colette enjoyed cooking. I was the one who was forced by my siblings to do one thing I liked the most - sewing...

by anime_cybunny

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