Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 105,637,792 Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"You can't hate the place you come from. It's not natural."

Free Food, Anyone?

This article is a guide to feeding your Neopets well on a limited budget, whether you want to conserve Neopoints to save up for something or simply because you don't have very many. Some people are under the impression that you have to spend a lot to keep your Neopets well fed, and that operating on a smaller budget is cruel. They are wrong...

Alternative Gardening

Since I am not a big fan of getting my fingers all dirty (and I have never quite gotten the hang of the garden room format with its foreground-background layering system), I decided to take a different approach to giving my neohome a nice big yard. This article is meant to inspire other "garden-challenged" neohomers...

Practical Word Pyramid

The objective of this game is to spell as many words as you can by connecting adjacent tiles. Upon acceptance, these tiles disappear but other tiles which were above will now take their place. Tiles will also appear randomly on the top of your pyramid. And so it is a continuous cycle: you use up some tiles, but more will appear. It’s not so easy because you are timed...

Other Stories
"The Scratchcard" by tamia_silverwing
"Yes, you'll never believe what I managed to do -- it was hardly my fault, but in any case, the problem must be fixed," she babbled on, steering the Wocky to a back corner of the stall like a proud owner parading a dumbfounded petpet. There she proceeded to...

"And Gobble Up Them Pineapples!" by hermionechochang
"Ye mangy sand-gobbin' scoundrels'll rue the day ye did this ta us!" the furious Pirate Kougra bellowed as he shook his paw after the receding ship. "After all we've done fer ye, this is how we're repaid? Garrrn!" The Kougra continued...

"Normal" by pandabearb
Qually just looked at her and rubbed his nose. The Ruki rolled her eyes and started flipping through the paint samples again. Silence passed for several minutes before Qually finally jumped out of his seat. "You're right, I'm being absolutely ridiculous," he decided...

Save Tyrannia! (and yourself)

This week's issue is brought to you by: Pterattack
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The Neolodge - a Stay to Remember
Welcome to AstroVilla Hotel! I will be your receptionist for the evening, as I will guide you around the area and discuss your options that you have here. Hopefully by this tour you will choose to stay here a few nights to enjoy many things which I believe will interest you!

by agnoline


Lost... in the Tombs!
Please be sure to direct any tomb related frustrations to the "Whack-a-Staff" area.

by frogcooke


Violin for Timothy
Only one young Neopet slouched slowly towards the gates, carrying a brown leather briefcase and wearing a brown cap on top of his black hair. He hesitated at the border of the barred gates, pondering whether he should cross into the other world, the one that separated him from school...

by shadyy15


The Perfect Petpet
I entered the room to see Foxy, a cute little Christmas Doglefox, sitting and whimpering as Pup, a Christmas Puppyblew, circled around him, making fake lunges and snapping at thin air a couple inches from Foxy's face. Both Ember and Angel looked at me, then both said simultaneously, "Help!"

by wolf_queen3004


Poor Tombola Guy!
Maybe you should let your pets buy what they want.

by linds4y

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