The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 111,439,808 Issue: 182 | 17th day of Running, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The eyes are windows to the soul. No matter how you change, your eyes will always be windows, looking in upon the same soul.

Do I Know You?

Ah, Neofriends. A huge part of the Neopian world, aren’t they? After all, where would we be without our friends to help us out? Such a shame that so many Neofriends don’t live up to their name: sure, they’re on Neo, but they aren’t our friends. Random Neofriend requests are something that riles many of Neopia’s citizens...

Rocks our Socks

It is interesting to note how Neopets patiently endure long lines while perspiration continues to trickle down their foreheads, and how the gargantuan “SOLD OUT” sign at the Ticket Booth always bursts the best of their bubbles. But have you ever asked yourself why concerts remain the ultimate stress busters around? Well, I guess not...

Avast! It Has Arrived!

Arr, matey! Avast! Ye be explorin’ the new expansion, be you not? Curse of Maraqua was released February 25th. There was even a mighty fine trophy for the winner of the tournament! There are plenty of cool cards to collect and explore in the expansion, and this article is all about them...

Other Stories
"Meridell, Her Home" by blubblub317
She had hoped that maybe pets would understand that today she would have liked to relax and celebrate and not have to work recklessly...

"Windows to the Soul" by jade_steel
Captured by mad scientists as I strayed too far from home one day, I didn't know much, only that I was to be morphed into something else...

"Illusen's Cake" by shadowcristal
The faerie wondered if she didn't love cakes and chocolate enough... She knew for sure that she definitely did not love cooking...

Can You Help Illusen?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Illusen's Glade
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Great stories!


Meridell, Her Home
She had hoped that maybe pets would understand that today she would have liked to relax and celebrate and not have to work recklessly. But unfortunately, this wasn't the case, and she had even more work to complete then usual.

by blubblub317


Good Goals Get Grins
Have you ever thought about why you are on Neopets? What you want out of it? How about why people are so obsessed in obtaining a certain item?

by _cutie_pie_12321


Fritz and Murfy
Never judge a Babaa by its coat...

by plushiechokato18


Neopia Acres
It's not my fault!

by wyomingslim


Slothy And His Student
What happens when an incorrigible little kyrii comes to stay with Neopia's favorite villain?

by blahdyblahvi

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