Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,167,960 Issue: 969 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y24
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Short Stories

On Wings of Spring

"You bob and weave on the battlefield, exchanging jabs with a brutal mercenary. You duck a punch, dodge a back fist, and expertly trip your opponent up as she aims a kick in your direction. Another victory!"

by rosesncream
Looking for Meatballs

A Cybunny looking for a snack makes another discovery instead.

by werelupe_king23
After the Slide

"Just moments ago, a flood of earth and rock had thundered down the mountain. In sixty seconds, a small village had been obliterated. There were no survivors."

by 77thbigby
Soon a Squire

"A small farmhouse, far from the edge of town; inside, there was a flurry of motion as a family worked in synchronicity in preparation for the day at the market. Into bundles and pretty glass baubles, flowers were organised."

by rosemmary
The Silent Warrior

"It all starts in the Battledome. There was a warrior who fought there called SEAGLA55-her trainer, Tallulah, or tarulliah, as she was formally known, was very proud of her warrior."

by tarulliah
Alma the Brave Little Chomby

”Woah, there little one!” Scarlet swooped down and intercepted the little Chomby before she could wander into the cave. “That is no place for you.”

by rkbear
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The Library Faerie's Top 10 Books Around Neopia

Today we are going to talk about one thing: books. I am going to share ten awesome books that I hope you might take an interest in. They are from all parts of Neopia. From Lost Desert to Haunted Woods – books are here to stay. Anyway, I’m the notorious Library Faerie of the Faerieland Bookshop! I’m back again after my talk about my favourite glasses that I wanted to share with you all.

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The Library Faerie's Top 10 Books Around Neopia
"Today we are going to talk about one thing: books. I am going to share ten awesome books that I hope you might take an interest in. They are from all parts of Neopia. From Lost Desert to Haunted Woods – books are here to stay."

by smeehoo27126043


The Non-Pirates of Krawk Island
"From the desk of Hawise Minthamm, Brightvale scholar, folklorist, and journalist."

by hyperspacebeing


Castle Planners Journal: The Meridell Day Tragedy - Part 1
"Gaius rubbed his eyes and yawned as he fought off the desire to go to sleep again, but he knew he had to get up early and be prepared for his early meeting with Lazlo."

by ferretboy85


And Time Stood Still - Part 2
“Hey!” a voice called again from the entrance to the fishing cove, “What are you doing here?!”

by kaitlinhoneybee


Ghostkerchief or a handkerchief?
What a mess!

by thebellmaker


How fast are you? - Word Search [Puzzle]
Can you find all the hidden words? collab with Krowkano

by romina_r

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