Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,022,178 Issue: 957 | 1st day of Eating, Y24
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Short Stories

Clash of Holidays: An Account of Magic VS Thievery

"Something has happened! It appears that there was a glitch in the switch to Beta and all of the Neopian holidays have been released. Keep a watchful eye for anything unordinary, and make sure to report all suspicious activity to TNT."

by sleepiestkitty
Illudora Day

"The Kyrii twirled his beard around one gloved finger. 'Oh, I don’t know. They seem surer of themselves than they let on. And even more so…of each other.'"

by flufflepuff
The Clash of Two Faeries on their Special Day

"It was just another day in Neopia... or so Walda the Baby Kacheek thought."

by _brainchild_
O Lupesomem Brasileiro (Portuguese)

"A consequência de toda essa história foi a punição de Licaon, que foi transformado em um Lupe – com pelos amarronzados, olhos esverdeados como a pedra preciosa Jade, e garras afiadas como navalhas – capazes de cortar até mesmo o mais forte dos materiais."

by guga_dodi
Celebrations for All: Doc’s Hybrid Holiday Proposal

“Ladies and gentlemen, and all others, of the board! I have arrived at last! Hold your applause!”

by homsar_eggplant
Little Wish

April Fool's day can be heart-warming.

by daveandbaltoro
A Halloween Chorus

"There was not a single black candle, Petpetpet skull or sugar skull left in Madeline's stash. The spell she was about to cast absolutely required all three ingredients. That would not do!"

by liouchan
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Every Holiday Day Handy Event Schedule!

Don’t go out and get a new calendar! Your eyes are not deceiving you! A recent Beta conversion of the Neopian calendar had resulted in an error of placing every single official Neopian Holiday onto the same day! A fix won’t be ready until after that day happens, so unable to ignore it there’s only one thing to do: CELEBRATE IT!

Other Stories


30 Ways to Prank Dr. Sloth
"Playing pranks is only a natural part of the Neopian experience."

by treeword


NC News: Neopians Prepare for an Unprecedented Sale
"Crowds are gathered outside the NC Mall in preparation for an unprecedented 24-hour sale where every holiday-themed re-release capsule will be made available at once. "collab with marcthegr8est1 and marshclan13_

by swordlilly


Nyx the Captain of the Guard
A Gelert finds help in an unlikely place

by rkbear


Another Hero's Journey...to Krawk Island
“More importantly…” Muirgen glanced at Reuben. “Wilhelm kidnapped you from Meridell and brought you here so you could make weapons for him?”

by precious_katuch14


Dinner with the Scarlets: Holiday Glitch
Meepits been chewing the wires again.

by june_scarlet


Talk is Cheap
Collab with 49_g_a_b_r_i_e_l_49 and iam_puma_master

by crazy_allstar

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