Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 196,834,801 Issue: 945 | 1st day of Collecting, Y23
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Short Stories

Send A Star

Stardust streamed behind a yellow mote in the atmosphere above Shenkuu... Collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn
To Reimh, from Prison

It is very odd, the way memory works...

by nolsterbuckrxy
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"Send A Star" by kebicorn
Stardust streamed behind a yellow mote in the atmosphere above Shenkuu. A nova, sending a message with beams of light, descends from the sky to greet its best friend, Shuupa. The light faerie waited atop a mountain more than 2,000 metres high. The clear night sky boasted purple ribbon-like gleams from outer space. The nova's arrival brought a smile to Shuupa, who was sitting on a flat rock. Shuupa practised her magic by sending a few dust motes dancing in the air. The spiralling motes were slowly lowered to the ground with a gentle swish of her right arm and moulded back into the earthy soil. The bright glow from the dancing motes let the nova know where to land each night. As Shuupa raised her left arm to wave, she gasped as villagers and tourists were heard arguing behind her as they exited the perched building of a famous orange blumaroo chef.

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Reimagining Fun with Flash-free Games
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by stargirl089


Unsung Heroes: Behind the Scenes Neopians Part 2
I hope you guys enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Ciao!

by thebanditrocks


For the Love of the Game
Altador. I had never been to the port city before. After two years, countless training hours and days of travel, I was finally here

by 77thbigby


Rosalina and the Way-Weird Beast
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by downrightdude


Are you for Wheel?
Or should I say... Collab with precious_katuch14 and hasse_li_37

by crazy_allstar


Random Oddness: My Petpet is Now my Brother #6b
Hey bro, check out what I found!

by mistyqee

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