The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 196,589,849 Issue: 928 | 19th day of Awakening, Y23
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Short Stories

Daiki's Dummy

Daiki struggles to let go of his childhood pacifier...

by littledifferent
Eadey the Pest

Ayva clashes with her sister Eadey...

by bramleyhedge
The Little Voice

Everyone has a little voice in the back of their head. This one happens to drive a yurble towards her inner darkness.

by fallingdaybreak
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"Eadey the Pest" by bramleyhedge
It was safe to say that Ayva hated Eadey. True, the Xweetoks were sisters, but there was nothing in the rule book that said you had to love or even especially like your sister. Ayva had good reason to hate Eadey; the little yellow Xweetok was that most cardinal of sins: annoying. Eadey was loud, and excitable, and gullible, and incendiary, and very, very stupid. Their mother never called her stupid of course, it was always “unique” or “special” or “learns differently”, but as far as Ayva was concerned, those were all just nice ways of saying her sister was as dumb as a bag of rocks. Indeed, at this moment, while Ayva stood in the bathroom with her forepaws on the countertop to see herself in the mirror, she could hear Eadey screaming the house down in her room. “No no no no no no! I won’t go I won’t! You can’t make me! I’m not going! No!” Ayva sighed as she combed out her silky green fur collar. It was like this every morning. Trying to get Eadey ready for school was like...

Other Stories


Avoiding Overwhelm after Hiatus Returns
Tips and support to help you Return to Neopets without eating an overwhelm sandwich

by pinkittygirl


Welcome to the Vegetable Patch
Welcome to the most extensive vegetable chia guide this side of Neopia...

by carrotopian


Trouble in Paradise
Drew pushes his luck, as well as Mipsy and Velm, to their limits.

by parody_ham


Si & Jay
The misadventures of a young Siyana (Si) and Jerdana (Jay) before they served on the council of Altador come to an end!

by cookiez101


On the Rocks
What am I supposed to do with these?

by ssjelitegirl


Crokabek Comic
You wanna be active?

by _corvus

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