For an easier life Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 922 | 4th day of Celebrating, Y22
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Short Stories

The Endless Night

King Altador was already awake when he heard the resounding jingle of the Altadorian Palace’s bells... Collab with carmyyyyy and crazy_mia

by ichiruto0
Give and Take

The snowager finds himself in an unusual predicament...

by jaydeed
An Eternal Empire

Look upon the great city of Geraptiku, seat of a glorious empire. A city that will last forevermore.

by alli_draggy
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"An Eternal Empire" by alli_draggy
Empress Eleapha of Geraptiku had risen to her position after the Council of Elders had been deposed in a massive riot 10 years prior. The head of the Council, King Zulakaea, had appointed her as his heir, and his last act as King was to officially disband the Council, elevating her to her current place. The idea of absolute power scared her, but she knew she couldn’t bring back the Council: the people had rioted specifically because they found the parliamentary system inefficient. But she had appointed Lura, her trusted advisor, who had quickly risen in social standing in Geraptiku through sheer charisma after being banished from Wanalea. In hopes of being more approachable...

Other Stories


Failing Foods of Brightvale University
When in doubt, don't eat it.

by parody_ham


How to Earn at Least 50,000 Neopoints a Day!
Here’s a little guide for new or returning users that might help you build up those bank accounts a bit faster than usual!

by _celesteroids_


Brothers in Stars
An exhausted Reuben does his best to guide Rohane and Mipsy through the simulation!

by precious_katuch14


The Coffee Tavern: Beginnings
A new barista finds her place at The Coffee Tavern...

by cyberfall


Might want to be more quiet next time...

by cuchatenador


Spoons - DrearyKind's Day Off
So much FUR!!

by xixiwang242

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