Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 196,453,195 Issue: 909 | 31st day of Swimming, Y22
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Short Stories

Another Hero's Journey: Fatherhood

Reuben the Blumaroo must face his fears...

by precious_katuch14
New Beginnings

A certain blue Ixi thief's backstory. Enjoy!

by nick_and_nickette
A Dance With Destiny

Sir Lyall of Meridell attempts to thwart a cunning thief!

by mecha_fang
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"New Beginnings" by nick_and_nickette
Many years ago... Close your eyes, baby mine, May your dreams give you joy One day, you shall shine And I'll be proud of you, my boy... It had been almost two tears since that melody last reached his ears. Two years since he last saw his mother. Two years since he last hugged her, last played with her. Two years since he had been in this dreadful place. The young blue Ixi was not older than nine. He was quiet, and a little skittish. He didn't like living in the orphanage — it was a cold, sad, lonely place. Sure, he was fed, but there were many children there, so food was meagre. And he only had a purple sweater, dark green jacket, tattered trousers and a pair of boots to his name. Not only the lack of adequate nourishment and clothing, but the other kids— “Hey look out, here comes the dumb Ixi!" “What's up, dork, Angelpuss got your tongue or somethin'?" —were not the best. They picked on the boy's refusal the speak — he hadn't spoken since his mother died. The Ixi had been holding a ball in his hand. The three boys that were teasing him...

Other Stories


An Inside Look At Meridell's ACXV Campaign
The dust has now officially settled on Altador Cup XV! For the 2nd time in the past 3 seasons, the Knights of Meridell have earned a podium spot with a narrow second-place finish.

by michaelruss


Grave Danger: How to Train Your Petpet
Note: The author is not a licensed petpet trainer and any advice taken is at the reader's own risk.

by aliceinwonderland18


Curse Of The Kookith
The thrilling conclusion to the Curse Of The Kookith!

by zuniak


The Music Box
As the Music Box comes to a close, Elon finally finds out why Filo gave him the music box...

by eracina


Be careful what you drink

by muggledude


Herding Hopes Pt 2 of 2
Herder or Hoarder?

by speeedway

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