The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 195,728,491 Issue: 872 | 12th day of Swimming, Y21
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Short Stories

Usuki Singing Stars #44: Usuki-Conned

“I can’t believe you guys got us Usukicon passes!!” Patricia squealed as she followed her friends inside the convention center.

by downrightdude
Do You Believe in Magic?

Within the grassy meadows of Brightvale, there lived a caring and compassionate Purple Lupe named Snazztacular.

by _brainchild_
Hunted Wraith

The cold air blew into Sasshields room as he opened the window. It was night, there was a grand full moon out, and the stars could be seen clearly.

by luvdisc_123
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"Hunted Wraith" by luvdisc_123
The cold air blew into Sasshields room as he opened the window. It was night, there was a grand full moon out, and the stars could be seen clearly. The Wraith Draik propped himself up upon the windowsill, his purple hood put down. His petpet, a Captive Shadow Wraith named Mortimer popped out of his hood and sat on his shoulder. Sasshield took a deep breath in and let it out. "Alright Mortimer, time to fly." Mortimer hopped onto Sasshields head as he put his hood back up and braced himself for flight. Ever since he had obtained his new form, flying was a pastime he relished in. Learning all the intricacies and tricks to flying was something he could never accomplish as a normal wraith.

Other Stories


A million NP in a month, how feasible is it?
1 million NP in a month, how hard is it to earn? Let's find out!

by rossthereddragon


Eye of the Storm: A Trophy Guide!
Eye of the Storm is a low-key, relaxing puzzle game that relies on common sense and a good sense of direction. The premise of the game is to find Cyodrake’s Gaze, which unfortunately had gotten lost at sea. To do this, you must locate the ship (which is located on a tile) among a sea of other tiles (two hundred and forty, to be exact!)

by ayakae


Chronicles of the Darkside: Keys to Fantasia:Part Two
Chapter 2: So the Faeries are WHERE?!

by fire_earth_aqua__77


The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Six
Wingen exhaled deeply. He made it, but just barely.

He knew that time was of the essence, so he made sure to accomplish his task back at the palace with haste.

by blueys45


Good Game
Surprisingly, Yooyuball is not even the most dangerous sport around. Looking at you, chariot racing.

by pokemon_master_a74


Darigan yooyus are... cute?
who knows

Also by Also by mewemy

by marsbarss

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