Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 195,607,488 Issue: 867 | 31st day of Hunting, Y21
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Short Stories

I Wish to Become a Faerie

Adeline was a misbehaved young Yellow Shoyru who's family lived in the cloud house which remained of Faerieland who always wished she could be painted Faerie.

by fairy_350
An Enchanting Gift

Sadly, not quite to Illusen's taste...

by pikapi20
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Wintry Twists On Summer Meals

As the Month of Hunting comes to a close, it means only one thing: the approaching fun of summertime! Everyone will be sporting their sunglasses as they lay on the beach, slushie in hand. The news will be full of articles on the best beaches to visit, where to shop for your bathing suits, and how-to guides on getting the perfect beach waves. While those who live in Mystery Island will definitely be ready to buy their summer gear, those who live in colder climates are still struggling through harsh winter storms and frozen appendages. Terror Mountain is cold all year round and tends to be forgotten during the buzz of summer. This week, I decided to dedicate an entire article just for those awesome (and chilly!) Neopians who call Terror Mountain their home. Even if it’s snowing outside, you can still enjoy the fun of summer!

Other Stories


Your Local Guide to Meri Acres Farm’s Pick Your Own!
Berry-picking season is now among us and Meri Acres Farm has all the good-pick-in’s of a great day if you’re willing to get your hands a little dirty for some of Neopia’s freshest and tastiest berries!

by sk8tergirl503


Every Baby Morphing Potion Ranked by Cuteness
June 18, 2004 – the first-ever Baby Morphing Potion is released. Neopia is forever changed for the cuter.

by sunshinecharlie


The Sisters of Pillar Grove
Wingen never wanted to be alone. But sometimes, he needed to be.

by blueys45


The Greatest Show on Earth:Part Four
"It's not me using you, it's a partnership," Hyoo explained. "We can both help each other."

It was the next afternoon, right around lunch time. Preparation for the circus had begun, and everybody was practicing their talents. They had rented an old stadium for the next four weeks until showtime. All morning, Hyoo had alternated between helping them train.

by unfogging


Ink: Inversion - Part 9
I've enough of your powers that you can't stop me.

by june_scarlet


Battledome Chat and Avatar Chat - 20 Years of Love
20 years later


by nayana852

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